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Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:01 pm
by LoneSoldier55
Here let me post what I said to Redemption over steam.

Code: Select all

Never tell your password to anyone.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
4:52 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Dude
4:52 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: A nigga be trying to get unbanned after he flymodded on Simpvp
4:52 PM - [TL]Redemption: Let's see.
4:52 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Yukar has essentailly told the trolls to do their best
4:53 PM - [TL]Redemption: Oh boy.
4:53 PM - [TL]Redemption: Hold on.
4:53 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan:
4:53 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: When ready
4:56 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: DO YOU SEE ALL THE FUCKS I GIVE
4:57 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: LOL
4:57 PM - [TL]Redemption: I've already chipped in.
4:57 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: lolol
4:57 PM - [TL]Redemption: I love how this server attracts so many idiots... it's like no one reads our rules...
4:58 PM - [TL]Redemption: If it keeps going, yukar might need to set something up where the rules are listed in the chat periodically.
4:58 PM - [TL]Redemption: That way we can troll the person more if he still broke the rules and appealed.
4:58 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Refresh
4:58 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: l4d2 refrecnce added
4:59 PM - [TL]Redemption: Refresh.
4:59 PM - [TL]Redemption: Retarded cod reference added.,
4:59 PM - [TL]Redemption: From me.
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: refresh
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: another cod refrence
5:00 PM - [TL]Redemption: We should derail this thread as much as possible.
5:00 PM - [TL]Redemption: Yukar doesn't care right?
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Yep
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Dis nig's gonna stay banned unless we say he can come back
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: LOL
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: NEVER GON HAPIN.AVI
5:01 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: moar derail
5:01 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: moar

Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:02 pm
by TLRedemption
LoneSoldier55 wrote:nou use m24 scilencer uav jammar ded scilence.
lol ur nt even worth mey tiem u stuped fuk, u must have a shit k/d ur clan is prbly last on the lederbord LOLLOLOLOOLLO

Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:05 pm
by LoneSoldier55
lol a pervious unban reqeust by this kid

Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:26 pm
by Kraken_12
You see? Little asswipes like you lonesolider, you come in thinking your so much more intelligent than me just because I wanted to ask about being unbanned, nobody asked for your crappy gifs all up in here, your not funny, just trying to be. Yukar asked for opinions not up your own ass BANNED NO CHANCES Bullshit. Come to think of it maybe I shouldn't of bothered with this server, purely because of the *I think i'm so sophisticated players like yourself. But rules are rules I guess.

Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:26 pm
by Kraken_12
You see? Little asswipes like you lonesolider, you come in thinking your so much more intelligent than me just because I wanted to ask about being unbanned, nobody asked for your crappy gifs all up in here, your not funny, just trying to be. Yukar asked for opinions not up your own ass BANNED NO CHANCES Bullshit. Come to think of it maybe I shouldn't of bothered with this server, purely because of the *I think i'm so sophisticated players like yourself. But rules are rules I guess.

Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:14 pm
by TLRedemption
Kraken_12 wrote:You see? Little asswipes like you lonesolider, you come in thinking your so much more intelligent than me just because I wanted to ask about being unbanned, nobody asked for your crappy gifs all up in here, your not funny, just trying to be. Yukar asked for opinions not up your own ass BANNED NO CHANCES Bullshit. Come to think of it maybe I shouldn't of bothered with this server, purely because of the *I think i'm so sophisticated players like yourself. But rules are rules I guess.
Lolno, second chances are NOT a community decision, Yukar is fucking with you, the no second chances has been part of this server for a long time, it isn't coming from me or Lone, it's in the damn rules, maybe you should READ.

Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:18 pm
by LoneSoldier55

Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:27 pm
by LoneSoldier55
Kraken_12 wrote:You see? Little asswipes like you lonesolider, you come in thinking your so much more intelligent than me just because I wanted to ask about being unbanned, nobody asked for your crappy gifs all up in here, your not funny, just trying to be. Yukar asked for opinions not up your own ass BANNED NO CHANCES Bullshit. Come to think of it maybe I shouldn't of bothered with this server, purely because of the *I think i'm so sophisticated players like yourself. But rules are rules I guess.
You see? Little asswipes like you LoneSolider*.* You come in thinking you're* so much more intelligent than me just because I wanted to ask about being unbanned.* Nobody asked for your crappy gifs all up in here, you're* not funny, just trying to be. Yukar asked for opinions not up your own ass <-- what the fuck does that mean BANNED NO CHANCES Bullshit. Come to think of it,* maybe I shouldn't of bothered with this server, purely because of the *I think i'm so sophisticated players like yourself. But rules are rules I guess.

1) I am more intelligent than you, primarily because I've seen what's called a collection of rules before.
2) Yukar asked for the community's opinion on the matter, and I am part of said community.
3) I post gifs all the time, deal with it kid.
4) I'm halarious when people like you get mad like this. I'm the master troll of this forum, you know.
5) Rules state there's no second chances on hacking and ignorance is no excuse. Get mad.
6) You shouldn't have wasted the scant amount of energy you get from the truckloads of twikies you compress into your fat rolls typing this message, actually.
7) I don't think I'm classy. I know I'm classy.
8) Rules are rules. Appeal denied, you filthy nazi.
9) You should work on your grammar. I've highlighted some things you should look at when you go back to elementary school in a few days.

Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:52 pm
by Kraken_12
You see, you mis-interpreted alot of the things I said as in not up your own ass BANNED NO CHANCES Bullshit, you just made a gap and tried to be a grammar nazi, congratz man, the stats for your server have like 15 on max!, you must be proud to be *Master troll of a rarely played on minecraft server* Where washed up rejects of the real world come to make witty jokes and post gifs, and not to mention the grammar nazis. I'm not trying to be picture perfect with my grammar, i'm spelling it right, it's the internet, who cares if I don't put in a fucking comma or make your you're, Get out of your greasy chair, look out the window or something, and make something out of yourself, instead of being this useless piece of shit that is a pretty bad troll on a crap forum. You fail. Big time.

Re: Kraken_12 Ban Appeal

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:11 am
by LoneSoldier55
Kraken_12 wrote:You see, you mis-interpreted alot of the things I said as in not up your own ass BANNED NO CHANCES Bullshit, you just made a gap and tried to be a grammar nazi, congratz man, the stats for your server have like 15 on max!, you must be proud to be *Master troll of a rarely played on minecraft server* Where washed up rejects of the real world come to make witty jokes and post gifs, and not to mention the grammar nazis. I'm not trying to be picture perfect with my grammar, i'm spelling it right, it's the internet, who cares if I don't put in a fucking comma or make your you're, Get out of your greasy chair, look out the window or something, and make something out of yourself, instead of being this useless piece of shit that is a pretty bad troll on a crap forum. You fail. Big time.