Re: When you update server to MC 1.5 ?
Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:32 pm
Honored to be purple.
Pseudo-vanilla anarchy
lysergidi wrote:You are fucking donkey.RevStoningpot wrote:Dumbass, 1.5 is called the redstone update. Fuck, you're a fucking dumbass
what the fuck are you talking about?!lysergidi wrote:Hey I know reindeers don't live in Helsinki. Haha we have polar bears in lapland and you don't. Hahaha your country sucks.worldruler086 wrote:He's Finnish. He knows English as well as I know about the geography of his homeland. Actually, that's not fair...I know that reindeer don't live near Helsinki (They live near Lapland). Regardless, lysergidi, "a.k.a." means "also known as". So it's a way of saying "this is also called this:".
I for one like the fact I don't have to, by law, have a gun on me so I don't become a polar bear's lunch. And we have grizzly bears (nowhere near where I live), which is good enough for me.lysergidi wrote:Hey I know reindeers don't live in Helsinki. Haha we have polar bears in lapland and you don't. Hahaha your country sucks.worldruler086 wrote:He's Finnish. He knows English as well as I know about the geography of his homeland. Actually, that's not fair...I know that reindeer don't live near Helsinki (They live near Lapland). Regardless, lysergidi, "a.k.a." means "also known as". So it's a way of saying "this is also called this:".
There is no polar bears in finland!lysergidi wrote:Polar bears that live in Finland.KennyKatsu wrote:what the fuck are you talking about?!