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Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:57 am
by SilasOfBorg
Yeah, they pander to the fantasy, but then its like they inject some horrid Dickensian misanthopy where the damsel calls you a "dirty boy" and sends you away if you actually get close to her. Probably mirroring the RL experiences of the game devs where they objectify and deify women but secretly hate them because nobody will fuck them because they have no social skills or hygiene.

Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:08 am
by Bloop the poop
SilasOfBorg wrote:Yeah, they pander to the fantasy, but then its like they inject some horrid Dickensian misanthopy where the damsel calls you a "dirty boy" and sends you away if you actually get close to her. Probably mirroring the RL experiences of the game devs where they objectify and deify women but secretly hate them because nobody will fuck them because they have no social skills or hygiene.
Hey brah, THEY MAKE OUR GAMES GIVE THEM SOME RESPECT. Call of duty ghosts, with it's completely Revolutionary engine would not be possibl without these guys.

In all honesty though I wish people would shut up sometimes. I mean look at society, every time a group of people wants equality there's gotta be some sort of butthurt cuntflap who can't deal with it. People can't just interperet something normally either without giving it some sort of alternate 'deeper' meaning [as if mario had some sort of super secret metaphorical philosophy], like this crazy ass feminist. [not you silas]

Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:48 pm
by ZeroVisibility
Starfox Adventures was one of my childhood games.. childhood ruined.

Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:00 pm
by LoneSoldier55
ZeroVisibility wrote:Starfox Adventures was one of my childhood games.. childhood ruined.
I can 100% assure you by the rules of the internet that game was ruined a short time after its release.

Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:12 pm
by Yukar9
I'm aghast at the response to this.

It doesn't matter if this is what boys want, it's still not right. If you made games that pandered to pedophiles, "because that's what they want," would that make it right?

Look, I understand that you don't like criticisms of games you like, especially games that have helped define who you are. But that doesn't mean that they aren't problematic, I'd hope for you to be capable of at least looking at them objectively and recognizing that there are problems in some of these games. I think many of you are having trouble listening to what the criticism even is. She's not saying all the games are terrible and should be banned or something, she's not even saying they're necessarily sexist, she's saying that there's a general tendency of making male-centric games that denigrate women, and that this is helping to desensitize people to denigration of women. Who where see no problem in that happening?

The fact that there are so many stereotypically genderized games do perpetuate a negative view on women. Reading some of the responses here kind of proves that you've all become so desensitized to this genderization.

Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:53 pm
by SilasOfBorg
Her perspective is completely skewed and says more about what she thinks about men -- I'm sorry, the Patriarchy -- than it does about people who make and play video games.

There have been some fantastic rebuttals of her drek, here's one of my favorites:

Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:04 pm
by worldruler086
Silas, I'm not saying I agree with her. I'm saying she has a point, she's just absolutely terrible at making it. I really have a feeling I might just make a video series discussing actual games just to explain what she should be saying correctly. And yukar, 99% of the stereotypically genderized games is caused specifically by bad writing.

Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:05 pm
by Yukar9
In what way is her perspective skewed?

And even if it is skewed, how can you so easily dismiss the entire problem?

I'll have a look at your video.

Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:06 pm
by Yukar9
worldruler086 wrote:And yukar, 99% of the stereotypically genderized games is caused specifically by bad writing.
So? How does that make it less of a problem? How does that mean that the sickening opinions of so many gamers is not a problem?

Re: Damsel in Distress: Sarkessian's videos

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:10 pm
by worldruler086
Oh, I'm not saying it makes it any less sickening, but don't confuse malice with stupidity. The writers are trying to go the lazy route, which means following old rather ugly tropes literally verbatim. And I guarantee most of the detractors would agree (even somewhat) if someone made the same argument as Anita Sarkeesian, but wasn't Anita Sarkeesian.