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Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:05 am
by LoneSoldier55
Interesting that this planet is kept in near perfect living condition stasis by the equvalent of millions of hydrogen bomb reactions occuring on a mass of gasses several hundred thousand miles from us, trasnferring this energy as heat and light through near nothingness.

Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:33 am
by SilasOfBorg
LoneSoldier55 wrote:Interesting that this planet is kept in near perfect living condition stasis by the equvalent of millions of hydrogen bomb reactions occuring on a mass of gasses several hundred thousand miles from us, trasnferring this energy as heat and light through near nothingness.
Yep. IIRC, we call that the Strong Anthropic Principle. Everything about our solar system and planet seems almost divinely meant to produce us, until you realize that, well of course it is. If conditions were different we'd be either not here to appreciate it, or oohing and aahing over those *different* conditions instead.


Neptunian Cryobacteria 1: "Hey Neptunian Cryobacteria #2, isn't it amazing that there's just enough methane, water, and ammonia, at the right temperature and pressure, to support our existence?"

Neptunian Cryobacteria 2: "You bet! Imagine if our planet was even a little smaller? Or if the concentration of helium was just 1% higher or lower? We'd have never evolved at all!"

Neptunian Cryobacteria 1: "Yeah! And think of those hellish inner planets. Man, those are WAAAAAY to hot to support life!"

Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:49 am
by el_andres96
SilasOfBorg wrote:
LoneSoldier55 wrote:Interesting that this planet is kept in near perfect living condition stasis by the equvalent of millions of hydrogen bomb reactions occuring on a mass of gasses several hundred thousand miles from us, trasnferring this energy as heat and light through near nothingness.
Yep. IIRC, we call that the Strong Anthropic Principle. Everything about our solar system and planet seems almost divinely meant to produce us, until you realize that, well of course it is. If conditions were different we'd be either not here to appreciate it, or oohing and aahing over those *different* conditions instead.


Neptunian Cryobacteria 1: "Hey Neptunian Cryobacteria #2, isn't it amazing that there's just enough methane, water, and ammonia, at the right temperature and pressure, to support our existence?"

Neptunian Cryobacteria 2: "You bet! Imagine if our planet was even a little smaller? Or if the concentration of helium was just 1% higher or lower? We'd have never evolved at all!"

Neptunian Cryobacteria 1: "Yeah! And think of those hellish inner planets. Man, those are WAAAAAY to hot to support life!"
no tru, god maed al dat

Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:14 am
by Mr_Hole_Digger1
Shadup, no scientific debates, I can'tz handlez it, STAHP STAHP STAHP! :D

Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:18 am
by Mr_Hole_Digger1
LoneSoldier55 wrote:Interesting that this planet is kept in near perfect living condition stasis by the equvalent of millions of hydrogen bomb reactions occuring on a mass of gasses several hundred thousand miles from us, trasnferring this energy as heat and light through near nothingness.
Seems to perfect to be randomness eh?

Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:20 am
by SilasOfBorg
Mr_Hole_Digger1 wrote:Shadup, no scientific debates, I can'tz handlez it, STAHP STAHP STAHP! :D
Heh. Of course you can. It's just that the end result of every line of inquiry followed to its source is "god did it" for you and "I don't know, it just is" for me.

But between here and there, we can probably agree on basic things like quantum field theorem and relativity being pretty reasonable descriptions of *how* the universe, regardless of its origin, currently works.

Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:48 am
by LoneSoldier55
Hole you do know there is an edit button to add your shitty afterthought to your previous shitpost so you don't have to make two shitposts, right.

Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:23 pm
by PlanetKhamulio
LoneSoldier55 wrote:Hole you do know there is an edit button to add your shitty afterthought to your previous shitpost so you don't have to make two shitposts, right.
And if we do that, you'd say to "Read before you post", stop acting so fucking zero-planeted.

Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:56 pm
by LoneSoldier55

Re: Time for an OC thread involving this community

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:23 am
by Bloop the poop
>We have proof on how suns are created and we can see the process in multiple different stages across the universe
>Hole being the faggot he is uses his bible to hide his science boner that he doesn't want everyone to know about