Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:43 pm
niggers tounge lyser's anus in exchange for nothing
I have NEVER spammedminiwimi wrote:I'll stop when you sotp spamming about your clan, Lysershitty.lysergidi wrote:STOP THIS ALREADYminiwimi wrote:You is.lysergidi wrote:You are.miniwimi wrote:Forever to be shitty.lysergidi wrote:It's not crap, and btw Lone has over 2000 posts of crap in whole forum. I haven't break the rules.KennyKatsu wrote:He's got almost 500 post in off-topic, and they are all useless crap! Yukar won't you just finish the job and ban him from off-topic too (-.-)
its not lysershittyminiwimi wrote:I'm still not banned, Lysershitty.lysergidi wrote:he sended private message to mitte, he will punish youminiwimi wrote:Why am I not banned yet, why do you lie?lysergidi wrote:[quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"]WHY YOU BULLIE ME ALL THE TIME? LIVE ME ALONE!
Stop lying :(
I have NEVER spammedhugobros3 wrote:I'll stop when you sotp spamming about your clan, Lysershitty.miniwimi wrote:STOP THIS ALREADYlysergidi wrote:You is.miniwimi wrote:You are.lysergidi wrote:Forever to be shitty.miniwimi wrote:its not lysershittylysergidi wrote:It's not crap, and btw Lone has over 2000 posts of crap in whole forum. I haven't break the rules.KennyKatsu wrote:He's got almost 500 post in off-topic, and they are all useless crap! Yukar won't you just finish the job and ban him from off-topic too (-.-)
I'm still not banned, Lysershitty.miniwimi wrote:he sended private message to mitte, he will punish youlysergidi wrote:Why am I not banned yet, why do you lie?miniwimi wrote:[quote="lysergidi"][quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"]WHY YOU BULLIE ME ALL THE TIME? LIVE ME ALONE!
Stop lying :(
I have NEVER spammedSilasOfBorg wrote:I'll stop when you sotp spamming about your clan, Lysershitty.hugobros3 wrote:STOP THIS ALREADYminiwimi wrote:You is.lysergidi wrote:You are.miniwimi wrote:Forever to be shitty.lysergidi wrote:its not lysershittyminiwimi wrote:I'm still not banned, Lysershitty.lysergidi wrote:It's not crap, and btw Lone has over 2000 posts of crap in whole forum. I haven't break the rules.KennyKatsu wrote:He's got almost 500 post in off-topic, and they are all useless crap! Yukar won't you just finish the job and ban him from off-topic too (-.-)
he sended private message to mitte, he will punish youminiwimi wrote:Why am I not banned yet, why do you lie?lysergidi wrote:[quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"][quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"]WHY YOU BULLIE ME ALL THE TIME? LIVE ME ALONE!
Stop lying :(
I have NEVER spammedminiwimi wrote:I'll stop when you sotp spamming about your clan, Lysershitty.lysergidi wrote:STOP THIS ALREADYBloop the poop wrote:You is.SilasOfBorg wrote:You are.hugobros3 wrote:Forever to be shitty.miniwimi wrote:its not lysershittylysergidi wrote:I'm still not banned, Lysershitty.miniwimi wrote:he sended private message to mitte, he will punish youlysergidi wrote:It's not crap, and btw Lone has over 2000 posts of crap in whole forum. I haven't break the rules.miniwimi wrote:[quote="lysergidi"][quote="KennyKatsu"]He's got almost 500 post in off-topic, and they are all useless crap! Yukar won't you just finish the job and ban him from off-topic too (-.-)
Why am I not banned yet, why do you lie?miniwimi wrote:[quote="lysergidi"][quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"][quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"]WHY YOU BULLIE ME ALL THE TIME? LIVE ME ALONE!
Stop lying :(
I have NEVER spammedSilasOfBorg wrote:I'll stop when you sotp spamming about your clan, Lysershitty.miniwimi wrote:STOP THIS ALREADYlysergidi wrote:You is.Bloop the poop wrote:You are.SilasOfBorg wrote:Forever to be shitty.hugobros3 wrote:its not lysershittyminiwimi wrote:I'm still not banned, Lysershitty.lysergidi wrote:he sended private message to mitte, he will punish youminiwimi wrote:It's not crap, and btw Lone has over 2000 posts of crap in whole forum. I haven't break the rules.lysergidi wrote:[quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"][quote="KennyKatsu"]He's got almost 500 post in off-topic, and they are all useless crap! Yukar won't you just finish the job and ban him from off-topic too (-.-)
Why am I not banned yet, why do you lie?miniwimi wrote:[quote="lysergidi"][quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"][quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"]WHY YOU BULLIE ME ALL THE TIME? LIVE ME ALONE!
Stop lying :(
I have NEVER spammedlysergidi wrote:I'll stop when you sotp spamming about your clan, Lysershitty.SilasOfBorg wrote:STOP THIS ALREADYminiwimi wrote:You is.lysergidi wrote:You are.Bloop the poop wrote:Forever to be shitty.SilasOfBorg wrote:its not lysershittyhugobros3 wrote:I'm still not banned, Lysershitty.miniwimi wrote:he sended private message to mitte, he will punish youlysergidi wrote:It's not crap, and btw Lone has over 2000 posts of crap in whole forum. I haven't break the rules.miniwimi wrote:[quote="lysergidi"][quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"][quote="KennyKatsu"]He's got almost 500 post in off-topic, and they are all useless crap! Yukar won't you just finish the job and ban him from off-topic too (-.-)
Why am I not banned yet, why do you lie?miniwimi wrote:[quote="lysergidi"][quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"][quote="miniwimi"][quote="lysergidi"]WHY YOU BULLIE ME ALL THE TIME? LIVE ME ALONE!
Stop lying :(