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Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:57 pm
by KennyKatsu
I don't know how this can not considered a glitch. This is pretty much the living definition of a glitch. Whether you use it a lot or not doesn't change it. If every glitch they haven't fixed was a feature, rule 2 should be just forgotten.

Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:19 pm
by mitte90
u cant just say if u dont like it dont use it.. if u stop using it others get an advantage over u.
and its not just for my sake i want it removed.. infact i use it all the time but i believe it is harming the server by spreading the population out

Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:53 pm
by WolfBitten
I don’t think banning the Nether Roof is going to bring the people in this server closer together. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if it shut down any sense of community left in this server.

From what I’ve seen, most of the people who play consistently are at least a hundred thousand blocks out. This means that people are only going to move from base to base if there’s a quick travel method: the Roof. Take this away and everyone will be deadlocked; they won’t bother moving from their main bases. A worst case scenario being that people get bored of their base but don’t want to travel 200k in a rickety… “boat”. They lose interest and quit the server.

Banning the Nether Roof is a perfectly valid idea at the birth of a server, but this server is old and the people on it are already spread far and wide. There’s no point being legalistic about something this server is pretty much based upon.

Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:22 am
by mitte90
who say u need to travel 100k of blocks just because u bored of ur base.

Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:04 am
by worldruler086
Mojang doesn't fix this because the only people who would use it are on anarchy servers, which is a very small segment of the minecraft community. The only way to get up there is through unconventional ways that would be generally agreed as being unintended (IE minecarts phasing through blocks and other shit). Worse still, you're not expected to be there, so them allowing you to build there isn't their way of saying it's allowed. The very fact you can't get up there through conventional means is reason enough that this is Grade A glitch material.This is a glitch. Anyone who says "it's just a feature" seem to ignore that this "feature" is unintended, making it a glitch. The reason they don't fix it is that Mojang has other shit higher up the totem pole to fix. This is such a small priority that they won't get to it.

We should make it so building on the nether roof is not possible. The practice can be continued for the portals already made so those who did it before can still reap the benefits, at the expense that their portals will be the only ones now. I think this is something people can agree with. That way it can still be done, but not completely.

EDIT: @miniwimi: If you want to be safe from spawn and greifing, either you walk your ass 90k or go to some creative server. This isn't the server where things are 100% safe. If you want safety, you have to pay in blood, sweat, and hours of holding down the "w" button. I say again, this is not the server where buildings are completely safe.

Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:10 am
by LoneSoldier55
The origonal crew of Eden moved bases approximately 120K blocks out, WITHOUT enderchests, the nether, and across majority of ocean.

Quit your bitching.

Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:45 pm
by morl0ck
Allowing the nether roof gives base-hunters an advantage. Clusters of mushrooms spread up to the roof and spread where there is high traffic- this lets people on the roof see which chunks are loaded most often. You don't even have to have anything built up there but you can fall prey to a base-hunter this way, merely by being in the nether near your base.

The nether roof shouldn't be allowed since there is really no defense against this tactic other than never entering the nether near your base, or going up to the roof and manually removing all mushrooms. Players shouldn't be allowed to hunt for bases so easily and risk-free like this.

Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:34 pm
by KennyKatsu
I don't think mushrooms spawn there unless you manually would plant them there for some odd reason.

Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:31 pm
by LoneSoldier55
KennyKatsu wrote:I don't think mushrooms spawn there unless you manually would plant them there for some odd reason.
They spawn there for sure.

Re: Ban Nether Roof Travel

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:27 pm
by morl0ck
Actually I think it was 1.4. But that forces everyone who has had a base since 1.4 to go up to the roof and manually remove all mushrooms if they're even lucky enough to know about it.

Besides, I didn't even use the roof to get to my build site. I used various travel methods and it was very time consuming and expensive (I remember falling off a mountain and losing 30k of travel). The nether roof kind of ruins that and makes it unfair that people hunting for my base don't have to go through the same expense. They could probably just autowalk and mark all portals with a minimap mod or something.