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Two more suggestions.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:50 pm
Hi, I have been procrastinating my homework by instead choosing to research possible plugins to improve the experience of playing on our server.
Cutting out a large speech, here's the ideas.
This first one doesn't really interfere with any idea of 'vanilla'. Currently, pigs can be mounted using a saddle, however once on the pig, you are at the pig's mercy. I don't know if I'm the only one who has mounted a pig, only for it to climb onto a fence and spin around for 30 minutes. Well, mounting the pig is already part of the game. How about allowing us to actually control them, while riding them? It doesn't have to be overly fast, or any faster than we can run. It would just be a nice edition to the game, without interfering with the 'vanilla' idea :)

This next idea is a little iffy, as I'm not sure if it has crossed the vanilla asymptote. Basically, reinforcing walls. It would not prevent griefing, but it would give a larger feeling of safety, as-well as the ability to actually make a fortress. Currently, the best fortresses are made from obby blocks, which can't be moved by pistons. So, how about the ability to use diamonds and/or iron to reinforce blocks? It wouldn't make them impossible to mine, it would just take longer and depending on the block, it might be immune to explosions. I like this idea because currently, with all city walls - all they are is decor. If someone wants to get through, they just mine straight through (unless of course, you have a hidden lava core, but there's still many other methods of getting around it.) Also, if it would be possible to move obby blocks with pistons, this would also work well.

Re: Two more suggestions.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:49 am
by mitte90
im sorry to say that u wasted ur time... now go do ur homework!

Re: Two more suggestions.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:16 am
by Gnatogryz
mitte90 wrote:im sorry to say that u wasted ur time... now go do ur homework!

Re: Two more suggestions.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:26 pm
by RevStoningpot
I'd like to steer a pig but it is rather pointless, and i don't see where you get that it's still vanilla. FYI hop off pig push pig off fence.
The rest is very unvanilla and just plain stupid, If you're not online people have plenty of time to wreck up your shit.