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Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:18 am
That's an attention grabber, eh? This actually has nothing to do with sex.
This is about large world biomes.
Excuse me for asking about content before it is even released, but I am hoping with the release of 1.3, we will be able to get a plugin that changes our world type to the large biomes type. This will not have any effect on the 'vanilla' survival, as it is an option for the vanilla server survival. Also, it would not change any already generated chunks - It would only affect newly generated chunks, I'm sure you admins are more aware of how this works than I, so I'll stop babbling about that and get more to the simple purpose. That purpose being, wouldn't it just be more enjoyable to live in a larger rain forest or wherever it is you like to live?

Also, my statements about how it will not change any already generated chunks was completely based off of my limited knowledge - an ignorant statement. I do not have any facts to back that up, what I do know is that on an old map of mine, upon upgrading minecraft, all of the existing chunks that were generated remained the same without structure change, however the biome changed. My huge castle and planes were in fact in an ocean biome.

Anywho, the techy stuff is up for those who know something on the subject.
So, without further rambling - post your thoughts on this subject. Goodnight!


Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:56 am
by Yukar9
Not sure if it's changed, but at least it used to be such that biomes were constantly (re)calculated every time they were loaded, so if you change the seed or the terrain generation is updated (as in 1.3) then the biomes will automatically (and forcibly) change. I haven't been ingame for almost 3 months but I'd presume it's still the same.


Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:01 pm
by RevStoningpot
the biome shift is gonna happen with any terrain update. I'd like more details before deciding if i like this idea. Oceans are already too big, so if they get bigger, then no fucking way do i want this. If other Biomes are as big as oceans are now then again no way. But if they get to be as big as the snow biomes, without those getting bigger as well, I'd be for it. If they shrink oceans i'd be even more for it. But i get the feeling everything is made bigger with this so, i don't think so.