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Ban appeal

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:21 pm
by obsidiandragons
I was banned from the server and my friend is telling me that he talked to the owner and the owner said that it was because me and "astv25" were spambotting, and i dont know about astv25
but i was not spambotting.

Re: Ban appeal

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:47 pm
by floof09
Bullshit we were all spamming. We were posting in a trio whenever you would say something and then you started spamming shit in return to us. We all stopped but whatever.

Also you might as well ban everyone who was on at that time, because aside from a select few everyone was spamming. I can safely say out of the 10-8 people on at that time at least 6 or 7 were spamming pasta.

EDIT: None of us were using bots (I think), and it wasn't nearly as incessant it just LOOKED bad because like I said nearly everyone on at the time was doing it in succession. We were simply pasting the starting sentences to some copypasta, and I can't say anyone ever spoke up or were bothered by it. We would have stopped had someone asked, however everyone seemed to be having a perfectly good time doing it with us.

EDIT X2: TL:DR Obsidians lying but whoever reported the spam was probably doing it themselves as well. The whole server was.

Re: Ban appeal

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:57 pm
by obsidiandragons
Yes that is what i ment i was spamming along with everyone else online at the time but i was not spam"botting". nor was anyone else to my knowledge

Re: Ban appeal

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:00 pm
by floof09
Oh well yes. Can't say anyone was to my knowledge either. Honestly look back at the chat if you can, pretty much every single person on the entire server was doing, some were just doing more prominently than others.

EDIT: Not sure who is in charge around here now, but do you really think we would come back here just to fuck with the server? We loved this place, we only left because of the border limit, which you removed to GET more people to come back. So we came back, and now we are banned.

EDIT X2 (again): Just saw the title under our names. We weren't flaming the server, we weren't even flaming eachother. Nor were we "trolling" eachother. We were directing these comments at eachother as a joke, and whenever someone would post we would post that, and eventually it turned into a contest of sorts. You can generally ask anyone who was online at the time, and if someone is claiming that it was "flaming" or "hurtful" they should have spoke up. As I said we would have been glad to stop and we did eventually after getting tired of it.

And no "we" is not me chippy and astv. We is everyone who was online at the time.

Re: Ban appeal

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:29 am
by Yukar9
Rules say spamming results in a permaban, you spammed and got banned, what did you expect? Just because you're not alone in doing it doesn't mean it's okay. Try turning it into a real life example: "But everybody else there were also vandalizing things and being loud, and we were all having a good time. We know there were signs that said it wasn't okay, but nobody told us to stop. We would have stopped if somebody had told us to."

Re: Ban appeal

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:42 am
by floof09
In that case i'm assuming everyone got banned? I was only mentioning that because if it was just us 4 then there is some other people that would also need to be banned (X_Aegis_X, Rdnxl did a bit, ect.). Also the difference is that vandalizing permanently effects the owner of the property, while spamming would only affect people who were online. And if everyone was involved, well you get the picture.

As I said the spamming was brief, we stopped after only after bit of mucking around. Not to mention the title is still wrong.

EDIT: This isn't going to be a continuous thing. We just got back here, were a little elated that we got ourselves all set up on a island and got carried away. This wasn't a attack on the server, or some sort of "Fuck you simplicity!". We like the server and like most of the members. I'm aware that the server has rules on such things, and we violated them. It's not like we caused TOO much harm though if any at all, and I don't really think you want to ban more than half the active members at that time (Not speaking for you or anything, I could be wrong).

Re: Ban appeal

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:01 pm
by Box
I got a screen sent my way personally, and the spammers banned from this incident are because of that very screenshot. Now as it looked like a common spambot attack I adressed it so, but it is still spamming.

Re: Ban appeal

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:20 pm
by LoneSoldier55
Yukar9 wrote:tl;dr the entire forum
You spammed, got banned, kindly get the fuck out. Thanks, and have fun.gaben

Re: Ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:33 am
by floof09
Well in that case could we at least get the titles under our name removed? I'd rather not have everyone getting the idea that this was a attack on the server, especially for people that knew us previously. Some of them were hoping to group back up and I don't want it to look like we just said "fuck you" to everyone and left.

Also Lone that was unnecessary, not saying the fact that we were on here for awhile a long time back means anything but we have never had a reputation of breaking rules, and I was hoping maybe yukar would consider that. If there is no second chances than that's it I guess, and we will kindly fuck off.

Anyways list of other people we know for sure sort of joined in. Names may not be exact.
Another guy whos names escapes me. Anyone else who was there feel free to expand on that.

Re: Ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:52 am
by worldruler086
You must not know. The title under your name will change once you post some more. I think you can actually change it.