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Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:05 pm
by oldolwa

Re: Lemonplus

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:49 pm
by worldruler086
I thought we had rules that said no advertising. and I'm voting for Obama. Here's hoping this becomes a thread about the American elections :)

Re: Lemonplus

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:36 am
by Yukar9
He's just a stupid troll, I found this in the logs
<lemonplus> obama is a nigger
Anyway, banned.

Advertising (including presidential campaigning) is perfectly fine, but repeating your ad 20 times in 2 seconds is not.

Re: Lemonplus

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:10 pm
by RevStoningpot
American elections are a sham! The corporate government of the district of columbia is not a constitutional government and has no requirement to put the president the people choose in charge. As the world saw done in the 2000 election. Since the corporate government doesn't want the people to know they've been swindled, they hold elections as a front, to make the people happy. But it doesn't matter who you vote for as long as your picking one of the government approved candidates. Sure each one will do a different job, do it their way, but they will hold to the corporations best interests and not the peoples. When Reagan was elected he showed no interest in doing what he was told to do. So "the man" tried to kill him. In a fluke chance Reagan survived, but they were able to keep him in line after that. Like wise Kennedy was unwilling to give in to the man's wishes so he was promptly executed so that a more willing person could step in. Did LBJ order the execution? I don't think so but I'm sure he was in the know and in agreement in the matter. Well that's my rant about american elections. To sum up, vote for who ever you want they will either be a good little stooge or else.