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Java vs Linux

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:14 am
by RevStoningpot
i put 64 bit OS on and want to use 64 bit java. It seems that ubuntu only let's me use downloads they allow in their software center (worst gimick ever) and i don't think those versions of java available are 64 bit. The java website gave me a download for 64 bit version for linux but it's just a tar.gz file and I have no clue how to make my computer use it as it would the software center versions. i followed a long tutorial with everything going fine but in the end i couldn't run a file with java. I know there are some linux users around here and you're all minecraft, ergo java, users so i'm hoping some one of you has already found out how to do this.

Re: Java vs Linux

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:18 am
by RevStoningpot
on another note i can no longer dowload zsnes from software center now that i use 64 bit (which i don't get at all, why would 64 bit processing not be able to handle a 32bit program) so i'm open to suggestions on how i can play my snes emulator games again.

Re: Java vs Linux

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:49 pm
by LoneSoldier55
Congradulations, you can change your directory to a folder and run a file inside the folder using java.

Your Grandma must be very proud you know how to use them dern compooters.

Re: Java vs Linux

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:34 pm
by Yukar9
Ubuntu aren't allowed to have oracle java in their repositories, even though I'm pretty sure they'd like to be able to include it. After downloading the .tar.gz, unpack it, and put it in /usr/lib. Then use update-alternatives --config java to make it your default installation.

Alternatively, use this

Code: Select all

cd ~/
wget -O
chmod +x
sudo ./ -7
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-jre

Re: Java vs Linux

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:14 pm
by Yukar9
Minecraft glitches, at least for me, that's why.

Re: Java vs Linux

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:09 pm
by mitte90
openJDK dont have the same performance as oracles java. dont make it harder for rev he is kind of new to linux so please stay on the easy road untill he gets the hang of it.

and rev the software center (or any software handling program) is one of the big advantages of linux. it makes u easily manage all ur programs from one spot.. but sometimes closed programs fucks things up

Re: Java vs Linux

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:47 am
by RevStoningpot
Yukar9 wrote:Ubuntu aren't allowed to have oracle java in their repositories, even though I'm pretty sure they'd like to be able to include it. After downloading the .tar.gz, unpack it, and put it in /usr/lib. Then use update-alternatives --config java to make it your default installation.
okay i tried to put it in and it permission denied me. and is it a terminal thing to do the update? does it need sudo first? i have no idea what that is but it seems to always be put before every thing.

and software center is all right for quick add/remove software. but like with the snes emulator, i can find tons of them around online but ubuntu only allows 2 that i know of. Or if i can use other ones, i don't know how. I found a linux download for snesx9 and it said just unzip it and run it from the folder but it was a .exe and as far as i know linux refuses to run .exes. There just seems to be no way in ubuntu to use programs i want, i can only use the ones they choose to be okay for me to use.

Re: Java vs Linux

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:06 am
by Yukar9
By default in ubuntu, you're logged in as a regular user. Regular users are limited in what they can do. Putting sudo first runs the command as an admin.

Code: Select all

cd ~/
wget -O
chmod +x
sudo ./ -7
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-jre
Try running those commands, in that order.

Re: Java vs Linux

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:39 am
by RevStoningpot
lysergidi wrote:There is some snes emulator in Ubuntu repository. I have never tried it. Install it with this command:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install zsnes
RevStoningpot wrote:on another note i can no longer download zsnes from software center now that i use 64 bit
i tried bsnes but it didn't run my games zipped or not bsnes didn't like the file type.
Yukar9 wrote: Try running those commands, in that order.
And that will be a 64 bit version then?

Also does 64 bit java even make minecraft any better? is it needed to use a 64 bit texture pack?

Re: Java vs Linux

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:40 am
by Yukar9
The way I'm reading it, it will install the 64 bit version of java.

It allows you to use more RAM. If you plan on using highly detailed texture packs, it'll probably be necessary.

You should still be able to run 64bit texture packs regardless. How well you can run them however, I have no idea.