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"The HOEbbit: The Final Journey" Book #3 On Sale!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:38 pm
by deflowvesper
This is the final part of Deflowvesper's epic masterpiece, The HOEbbit.

The dark Aura of the "He who must not be named" are massing as his evil shadow spreads ever wider. Lysergidi and Melvin3000 struggle further in the Nether as they try to escape out of the prison. Our heroes are now at their final journey to set themselves free from an inevitable curse.

Chapter One: Prison break part 2
Chapter Two: Raining of arrows
Chapter Three: Mysterious Potter
Chapter Four: Infiltrated
Chapter Five: Return of the King

New added casts:
Lonesoldier as The Evil Ponny


Orders/Reserves made for:

- :Book/s remaining

Re: "The HOEbbit: The Final Journey" Book #3 PRE-ORDER!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:03 pm
by LoneSoldier55
deflowvesper wrote: New added casts:
Lonesoldier as The Evil Ponny

Re: "The HOEbbit: The Final Journey" Book #3 PRE-ORDER!

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:43 pm
by deflowvesper
Bump! Book now on sale

Re: "The HOEbbit: The Final Journey" Book #3 On Sale!

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:01 am
by deflowvesper
miniwimi wrote:Hi, Deflow. I just found out that you will be able to copy books in the upcoming update! :)
Yes dakka told me, but will it also copy the name of original author?

Re: "The HOEbbit: The Final Journey" Book #3 On Sale!

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:46 am
by BrentwoodBay
I'll buy a copy of all three in the series, I have plans to build a library full of SimPVP literature.

Re: "The HOEbbit: The Final Journey" Book #3 On Sale!

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:47 am
by BrentwoodBay
Are you making copies or is it just a single release?