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A revote!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:37 am
by iQuint
Hi , My name is Quint and most of you guys know me as iQuint(Pretty obvious)

So, like the subject says I want a revote about removing the enchants at /world.
Why? Mostly because I think alot of us never got to vote because they didn't know about the forums.
I could write down all reasons why I think enchants shouldn't be removed but let's not do that.
So if all of you could do me a favour , please comment on this topic and please tell me what you think about it.
A revote or not?

And yeah , that is basically it.
Like I : said leave a comment below!
With all of this said I greet all of you wonderful people and wish all of you a goodnight

Night , all


Re: A revote!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:42 am
by TLRedemption
It has not yet been implemented, and you can still go onto the thread and discuss all these reasons you have for it to not be implemented, I'm pretty sure this was not just confined to the forums and people did go around on the server telling others that this was being voted on.

Re: A revote!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:47 am
by LoneSoldier55
iQuint wrote:Hi , My name is Quint and most of you guys know me as iQuint(Pretty obvious)

So, like the subject says I want a revote about removing the enchants at /world.
Why? Mostly because I think alot of us never got to vote because they didn't know about the forums.
I could write down all reasons why I think enchants shouldn't be removed but let's not do that.
So if all of you could do me a favour , please comment on this topic and please tell me what you think about it.
A revote or not?

And yeah , that is basically it.
Like I : said leave a comment below!
With all of this said I greet all of you wonderful people and wish all of you a goodnight

Night , all

Voting is already finished.

Its also an excuse for people to bribe other people into voting like Youngs MC did.

Re: A revote!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:25 pm
by KennyKatsu
iQuint wrote: most of you guys know me

Re: A revote!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:56 pm
by deflowvesper
Yukar gave a decent enough time period for the voting, therefore having a revote just because some players missed the poll would make it unfair. Maybe, try to checkout the forum once in awhile.

Re: A revote!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:11 am
by Yukar9
We're not doing a revote, the end.

After it gets implemented, you're free to suggest the removal of it, but we're not redoing a vote we've already done.