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want to be admin
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:28 pm
by Lucas1938
I would like to be admin. I will not grief I will help by building a better spawn and other stuff. I also don't say bad stuff in chat and i will respect the owner and other admins. so I hope you pick me a an admin.Also I am 12 I have skype and my minecraft ign: Lucaszombie45 also lysergidi [owner of the server] suggested i should be admin
Re: want to be admin
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:31 pm
by el_andres96
Lucas1938 wrote:I would like to be admin. I will not grief I will help by building a better spawn and other stuff. I also don't say bad stuff in chat and i will respect the owner and other admins. so I hope you pick me a an admin.Also I am 12 I have skype and my minecraft ign: Lucaszombie45
There's a policy on the server to not op people who ask to be op because they always want to be op for bad reasons.
So you just canceled any possibility of you being op in the future with this thread.
Re: want to be admin
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:18 pm
by Yukar9
Sorry Lucas, but you got trolled by lysergidi. We're not currently recruiting ops.
Locking to prevent flaming.