Morl0ck's Riddle Game (Spawn Event)
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:35 pm
Round 1 riddle has a winner! Congrats to CrackyJoe! Answer was "Sun".
Around spawn (5k radius), I've hidden a cache of treasure. In order to find this cache, you must answer my riddle. Here's how it works.
I will post the riddle at some predetermined time of day (UTC) so that everyone has a chance to see this thread. Along with the riddle, there will be a "formula", which you will use to convert your answer into numeric coordinates. Here's an example:
Example riddle:
Voiceless it cries,
Wingless flutters,
Toothless bites,
Mouthless mutters.
Example formula:
x: Multiply the first letter's position in the alphabet by the last letter's position in the alphabet. Multiply the result by the number of letters in the answer.
The answer was 'wind'. W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet, and D is the 4rth. 23x4=92. 'wind' has four letters in it, so 92x4=368. Your x coordinate is 368.
y: Add up the positions in the alphabet of all letters of the answer. Multiply the result by 5. If the number of letters in the answer is even, the y coordinate is positive. If it's odd, then y is negative.
W=23, I=8, N=14, D=4, 23+8+14+4=49. 49x5=245. 'wind' has four letters in it, which is even, so the y coordinate is positive 245.
Ignore words like 'a' or 'the' for the purpose of the answer (for example, using 'the wind' as your input for the formula would mess you up).
The example riddle is from Mr. Tolkien, but the actual event riddles will be made up by me- so don't bother Googling around for the answer. As for treasure, it will usually be some kind of named top-tier enchanted diamond gear, like prot IV armor or sharp V swords, with some other things like diamonds and iron. A typical reward might be a named sharp V fire II sword, power V bow, a couple stacks of iron blocks, and maybe some minor items. I will always post what the reward will be.
Around spawn (5k radius), I've hidden a cache of treasure. In order to find this cache, you must answer my riddle. Here's how it works.
I will post the riddle at some predetermined time of day (UTC) so that everyone has a chance to see this thread. Along with the riddle, there will be a "formula", which you will use to convert your answer into numeric coordinates. Here's an example:
Example riddle:
Voiceless it cries,
Wingless flutters,
Toothless bites,
Mouthless mutters.
Example formula:
x: Multiply the first letter's position in the alphabet by the last letter's position in the alphabet. Multiply the result by the number of letters in the answer.
The answer was 'wind'. W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet, and D is the 4rth. 23x4=92. 'wind' has four letters in it, so 92x4=368. Your x coordinate is 368.
y: Add up the positions in the alphabet of all letters of the answer. Multiply the result by 5. If the number of letters in the answer is even, the y coordinate is positive. If it's odd, then y is negative.
W=23, I=8, N=14, D=4, 23+8+14+4=49. 49x5=245. 'wind' has four letters in it, which is even, so the y coordinate is positive 245.
Ignore words like 'a' or 'the' for the purpose of the answer (for example, using 'the wind' as your input for the formula would mess you up).
The example riddle is from Mr. Tolkien, but the actual event riddles will be made up by me- so don't bother Googling around for the answer. As for treasure, it will usually be some kind of named top-tier enchanted diamond gear, like prot IV armor or sharp V swords, with some other things like diamonds and iron. A typical reward might be a named sharp V fire II sword, power V bow, a couple stacks of iron blocks, and maybe some minor items. I will always post what the reward will be.