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Zero Planeted Shit Cream test

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:39 am
by PlanetKhamulio
A Zero Planeted Shit Cream, by definition, is someone with an IQ at least 35 points lower than mine. Before we get started with the real test, some honorable mentions of ZPSCs
LoneSoldier55(-12 IQ, according to Stanford-Binet)
Anyways the real test.

Some random guy writes a forum thread.
"LoneSoldier55, you sciolist, I shall concoct an elixir that will be burned in your memory forever."
Dat gui obveusly is.
Either implying Lone is a jackass, numba 1, Lone fakesintellectuality and dks gui wants 2 help himm, o numba three,
dis guy is faking intellect and Lone wants to help himm.
Ansaws numba 2

Re: Zero Planeted Shit Cream test

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:25 am
by SilasOfBorg
Reading that post dropped my IQ by 35 points. I have a little room to spare, but please watch your posting from now on or I'll soon be a carrot.

Re: Zero Planeted Shit Cream test

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:45 pm
by LoneSoldier55