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Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:25 am
by deflowvesper
So recently i've been having this problem where my screen turns black all of a sudden and loses signal from my video card whenever i play minecraft for a certain amount of time. I tried cleaning my whole PC thinking it could just the fan not being able to do its job properly due to the dust, so i simply hoovered the dust off the fan and every parts of the motherboard. After putting back the PC together, i tested MC and it seems it gotten worse, my screen goes black within a few minutes after launching the game. Im not sure if it is my power supply but i don't much have other unnecessary components anway, plus i've had this graphics card for almost 2 years now so i dont think its the PSU is the problem.

My current Video card is: Nvidia Geforce 9500 GT
Power supply: 300W
RAM: 4Gb

All drivers are updated. I haven't checked if the fan is spinning properly though. Im not sure if i would get black screen on other games but im about to test it out.
Playing videos is fine, i only get this black screen when playing MC. I could still hear the audio from a video playing despite having a black screen.

I ordered a new video card which will arrive tomorrow so hopefully this issue will be resolved, however it still concerns me what could be causing this. Anyone with exp has any theories?
New video card: AMD Radeon HD 6570
Its a cheap video card but its significantly better than the one i currently have.

Re: Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:39 am
by LoneSoldier55
Happens to me too. Not nearly as often, and not on minecraft, but usually when I leave my computer for a few hours and come back I have to restart it because I can't get the vidya cards to work properly. It's been put off as "aging computer parts" for now.

Re: Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:58 am
by TLRedemption
I've had a plethora of problems with MC over the 2 gpus I've owned(including the black screen you're talking about), I would just hope that your new one will fix all the problems.

Re: Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:28 am
by mitte90
download and run "speedfan" to dismiss any heat related problem. the powersupply is a bit underpowered but i dont think thats the real problem..

Re: Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:09 pm
by deflowvesper
I downloaded speedfan and conducted a test. My GPU's temperature without MC running is idling at 77C which is pretty bad as it is, and then i started up MC and it went over its max temp which is at 105C, Later by the time the temp was at 110C the screen turned black. This all happened within 3:45 minutes.

The fan is spinning at: 835 RMP

Im not sure if setting the fan speed manually using a software will help but i might giv it a try after a few research.

Re: Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:28 pm
by LoneSoldier55
The only time I've had a problem with a GPU running that hot was when the one I got was faulty on arrival. On the desktop idling it was around 80 C, then when I started almost any games it would heat up to 110 C before activating a safety and shutting off. Luckily I got a new one free of charge.

Re: Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:29 pm
by mitte90
yea 100c card is almost garantied a hardware fault the fan speed at 800 rpm sound right.. but atleast we found the problem:)

Re: Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:46 pm
by deflowvesper
so i just got my new GPU, i did a test once more on the fan. It started of from 35C and after running MC, it starts climbing slowly to 50>60C, im not sure if it will allow me to stay idle in-game like i did before but atleast i can run MC again. Happy days :)
Thank for the help guys.

Re: Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:07 am
by LoneSoldier55
50-60C I would say is a fucking lot of heat being generated from such a shit piece of java like Minecraft, but I'd just blame minecraft itself. Really your GPU should only be getting extremely hot running high-end games.

Re: Any computer expert in the house?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:13 pm
by mitte90
we all knows minecraft code is crap..