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Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:59 pm
by Yukar9
It's time for another CTS. I think it's a good idea to do 1 CTS per pvp world. This one will be sort of like the last one, but with some changes to try to make things a little more fun.

For those of you new to CTS. At -250, 80, 250 (Note x is negative, z is positive) in the pvp world, on a small artifical island, there is a protected glowstone block (used to be a bedrock block, but that's changed now.) You must place a sign that has your name on it on top of this glowstone block. But others can come and destroy the sign, and put their own name on it. After the game begins, the first person to have their name on it for 5 consecutive hours wins the game. So you must first capture it and put your name on it, and then defend it for 5 hours. This means the absolute earliest it is possible to win is 19:00. If somebody breaks your sign, the timer completely starts over for you. So you have to defend it well.

As before, we'll start on a Saturday (September 6th) 14:00 UTC+1. Link to timer.

I know some people complained 3 hours was too long, but as we saw, it wasn't really all that hard to hold for 3 hours. This time, it should be a lot easier to defend, so I think 5 hours is a fair time. But, if nobody has claimed the prize after 24 hours, the time will be reduced to just 1 hour.

This time there will be no entrance fee. Anybody is free to try to hold the sign. There will be a donation box again, and the winner will simply receive all the contents of the donation box. As we saw last time, that wasn't a bad prize at all.

Here's the major change I want to try out: Once the games begin, all smoothstone surrounding the sign will be turned into bedrock, but there has to be at least 3 separate cleared paths still going to the sign, and these paths may not be blocked by any solid blocks (defined as any block that prevents passage for players, such as obsidian, lava (except as a trap, but in that case it's not in the main passageway to begin with), cobblestone, etc EXCEPT doors/gates. This is true at all times, even after the game has begun. So you can't just fill these pathways with obsidian or lava after the games have begun. If the defenders break this rule, we (the admins) will punch a new clear path(s) straight to the sign.

The idea behind this is to allow you all to build elaborate defensive structures beforehand. So you can build a massive fortress or labyrinths filled with traps or whatever to try to help you defend. But obviously, without any clear paths, it's be practically impossible to capture, so those are a necessity.

Re: Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:35 pm
by iQuint
I don't really get it
Do you have to solo defend a sign against a bunch of people walking towards your way?
Or is it possible to team up and do your thing?
Also : Will I have had my verdict by then?
'Cause I'd love to Participate

Edit: Never mind. I might be temp banned at that time.

Re: Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:41 pm
by Yukar9
Yeah sorry, we're discussing whether you should be jailed for 6 months, 12 months, or forever. You're not getting out by next week.

It's only been one day now, and already in the donation box there are: 10 diamonds. 3 stacks of iron blocks (!) Diamond horse armor. 3 stacks of slimeball. Unb III Lure II fishing rod. Power V Flame I bow named Satan's Gaze. Prot IV Aqua Affinity I dia helm. Smite IV FA II dia sword. 1 stack of lapiz blocks. 3 stacks of ender pearls. 1 god apple. And a bunch of random stuff.

Re: Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:48 pm
by indigo011
Wooot i will be there for sure :O

better get ready !!!

also gonna donate some diamonts or something nice

Re: Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:30 pm
by javelinFury
I've been saving up ALOT of potions >:D

Re: Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:31 pm
by javelinFury

saving up pots

Re: Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:05 pm
by LoneSoldier55
why would you double post

Re: Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:09 pm
by morl0ck
Everything except the 10 diamonds is from me.

Re: Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:03 pm
by Yukar9
I'm gonna cancel it. There's been litle interest in it, and nobody's on now. I'll work on getting the deathban world up instead, and we'll give some of the rewards out there instead.

Re: Capture the Sign September 2014!

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:15 pm
by indigo011
w000p wooop i won!!!
ok i didnt read that it was cancelled untill i heared after 5 hours from yukarion but still I WON kind of :D

respect my authority !!:P