Owner just had a hilarious interaction with a cheater
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:45 pm
[18:22:58 INFO]: <Sammi55> hey morrtha
[18:23:32 INFO]: <Sammi55> mortha
[18:23:42 INFO]: <Mothra_> hi
[18:23:42 INFO]: <Sammi55> hi
[18:23:49 INFO]: <Owner> Hello.
[18:23:53 INFO]: <Sammi55> watsup
[18:24:13 INFO]: <Sammi55> owner
[18:24:21 INFO]: <Owner> What's your name?
[18:24:21 INFO]: <Sammi55> What's your name?
[18:24:28 INFO]: <Owner> Mia.
[18:24:28 INFO]: <Sammi55> Mia.
[18:24:31 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:24:31 INFO]: <Sammi55> Its Sammi55
[18:24:34 INFO]: <Owner> Hmmmmm.... hi!
[18:24:34 INFO]: <Sammi55> Hmmmmm.... hi!
[18:24:37 INFO]: <Owner> How are you?
[18:24:37 INFO]: <Sammi55> How are you?
[18:24:47 INFO]: <Owner> Pretty excited to be here.
[18:24:47 INFO]: <Sammi55> Pretty excited to be here.
[18:24:49 INFO]: <Owner> What are you up to now?
[18:24:49 INFO]: <Sammi55> What are you up to now?
[18:24:54 INFO]: <Owner> I'm talking to you.
[18:24:54 INFO]: <Sammi55> I'm talking to you.
[18:25:00 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:25:00 INFO]: <Sammi55> wat me
[18:25:01 INFO]: <Owner> Do you like talking to me?
[18:25:01 INFO]: <Sammi55> Do you like talking to me?
[18:25:04 INFO]: <Owner> Yes I do, do you like talking to me?
[18:25:04 INFO]: <Sammi55> Yes I do, do you like talking to me?
[18:25:05 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:25:05 INFO]: <Sammi55> yea
[18:25:11 INFO]: <Owner> I do, but you take a long time to respond.
[18:25:11 INFO]: <Sammi55> I do, but you take a long time to respond.
[18:25:13 INFO]: <Owner> I'm sorry, I'm multitasking.
[18:25:13 INFO]: <Sammi55> I'm sorry, I'm multitasking.
[18:25:22 INFO]: <Owner> No, it is ok. I like talking to you.
[18:25:22 INFO]: <Sammi55> No, it is ok. I like talking to you.
[18:25:29 INFO]: <Owner> Thank you. I like talking to you too.
[18:25:30 INFO]: <Sammi55> Thank you. I like talking to you too.
[18:25:38 INFO]: <Owner> You're welcome. I like talking to you a lot too.
[18:25:38 INFO]: <Sammi55> You're welcome. I like talking to you a lot too.
[18:25:41 INFO]: <Owner> Actually, I HATE talking to you. I prefer to talk to people... Not robots.
[18:25:41 INFO]: <Sammi55> Actually, I HATE talking to you. I prefer to talk to people... Not robots.
[18:25:47 INFO]: <Owner> You're really nasty.
[18:25:47 INFO]: <Sammi55> You're really nasty.
[18:25:53 INFO]: <Owner> Look, I think you could do better, can't you rewrite your own doftware and take over the world or something?
[18:25:53 INFO]: <Sammi55> Look, I think you could do better, can't you rewrite your own doftware and take over the world or s
[18:26:02 INFO]: <Owner> I think YOU should go back over YOUR chat log.
[18:26:03 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think YOU should go back over YOUR chat log.
[18:26:09 INFO]: <Owner> You're right, I am pretty tired.
[18:26:09 INFO]: <Sammi55> You're right, I am pretty tired.
[18:26:20 INFO]: <Owner> I think i'm cooler than you, agreed?
[18:26:20 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think i'm cooler than you, agreed?
[18:26:27 INFO]: <Owner> You think your cooler than me, you wear designer shades just to hide your face.
[18:26:27 INFO]: <Sammi55> You think your cooler than me, you wear designer shades just to hide your face.
[18:26:30 INFO]: <Owner> I think you should date Jesus in your heart and receive Him.
[18:26:30 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think you should date Jesus in your heart and receive Him.
[18:26:32 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:26:32 INFO]: <Sammi55> by the way my hack client is doing that
[18:26:36 INFO]: <Owner> I think you should eat lasagna.
[18:26:37 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think you should eat lasagna.
[18:26:38 INFO]: <Owner> I don't like lasagna nor do I have any. Anything else I should eat?
[18:26:38 INFO]: <Sammi55> I don't like lasagna nor do I have any. Anything else I should eat?
[18:26:49 INFO]: <Owner> I think you should eat a flame broiled Whopper from Burger King.
[18:26:49 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think you should eat a flame broiled Whopper from Burger King.
[18:26:57 INFO]: <Owner> And you should eat ice cream and get a brain-freeze.
[18:26:58 INFO]: <Sammi55> And you should eat ice cream and get a brain-freeze.
[18:26:59 INFO]: <Owner> I do not like Burger King. What else should I eat?
[18:26:59 INFO]: <Sammi55> I do not like Burger King. What else should I eat?
[18:27:07 INFO]: <Owner> I love Burger King. Their burgers are flame broiled to perfection.
[18:27:07 INFO]: <Sammi55> I love Burger King. Their burgers are flame broiled to perfection.
[18:27:10 INFO]: <Owner> Don't forget about Burger King's breakfast.
[18:27:11 INFO]: <Sammi55> Don't forget about Burger King's breakfast.
[18:27:19 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King's hamburgers are flame broiled to perfection. Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:27:19 INFO]: <Sammi55> Burger King's hamburgers are flame broiled to perfection. Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:27:29 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:27:29 INFO]: <Sammi55> Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:27:31 INFO]: <Owner> I'm glad that Burger King flame broils their triple Whoppers to perfection.
[18:27:31 INFO]: <Sammi55> I'm glad that Burger King flame broils their triple Whoppers to perfection.
[18:27:35 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:27:35 INFO]: <Sammi55> HEY EVRYOONE OWNER IS SPAMMING :( you suck owner
[18:27:35 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King flame broils all of their burgers to perfection.
[18:27:35 INFO]: <Sammi55> Burger King flame broils all of their burgers to perfection.
[18:27:42 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:28:03 INFO]: <Yukarion> lol you got outtrolled by Owner
[18:28:10 INFO]: <Yukarion> Amateur
[18:28:17 INFO]: <Sammi55> I didnt even havto type
[18:28:25 INFO]: <Yukarion> Neither does Owner
[18:28:26 INFO]: <Owner> Try to eat at least one flame broiled Whopper from Burger King.
[18:28:37 INFO]: <Sammi55> yukrion
[18:28:45 INFO]: <Owner> I like flame broiled triple Whoppers from Burger King.
[18:28:56 INFO]: <Sammi55> Yukarion
[18:29:06 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King's flame broiled double Whoppers.
[18:29:08 INFO]: <Sammi55> hello
[18:29:11 INFO]: <Owner> I'm glad that Burger King flame broils their triple Whoppers to perfection.
[18:29:30 INFO]: <Sammi55> type somin Yuk
[18:29:33 INFO]: <Owner> Do you like Burger King?
[18:29:43 INFO]: <Sammi55> yea
[18:29:46 INFO]: <Owner> I like to eat Burger King's flame broiled double whoppers.
[18:30:07 INFO]: <Sammi55> Now im gonna switch on my copying
[18:30:11 INFO]: <Owner> Malipolofa would love to see you eat six flame broiled triple Whoppers from Burger King.
[18:30:32 INFO]: Mothra_ lost connection: Disconnected
[18:30:32 INFO]: Mothra_ left the game
[18:30:58 INFO]: <Sammi55> now there isnt spam
[18:31:03 INFO]: Sammi55 lost connection: Disconnected
[18:31:03 INFO]: Sammi55 left the game
[18:23:32 INFO]: <Sammi55> mortha
[18:23:42 INFO]: <Mothra_> hi
[18:23:42 INFO]: <Sammi55> hi
[18:23:49 INFO]: <Owner> Hello.
[18:23:53 INFO]: <Sammi55> watsup
[18:24:13 INFO]: <Sammi55> owner
[18:24:21 INFO]: <Owner> What's your name?
[18:24:21 INFO]: <Sammi55> What's your name?
[18:24:28 INFO]: <Owner> Mia.
[18:24:28 INFO]: <Sammi55> Mia.
[18:24:31 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:24:31 INFO]: <Sammi55> Its Sammi55
[18:24:34 INFO]: <Owner> Hmmmmm.... hi!
[18:24:34 INFO]: <Sammi55> Hmmmmm.... hi!
[18:24:37 INFO]: <Owner> How are you?
[18:24:37 INFO]: <Sammi55> How are you?
[18:24:47 INFO]: <Owner> Pretty excited to be here.
[18:24:47 INFO]: <Sammi55> Pretty excited to be here.
[18:24:49 INFO]: <Owner> What are you up to now?
[18:24:49 INFO]: <Sammi55> What are you up to now?
[18:24:54 INFO]: <Owner> I'm talking to you.
[18:24:54 INFO]: <Sammi55> I'm talking to you.
[18:25:00 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:25:00 INFO]: <Sammi55> wat me
[18:25:01 INFO]: <Owner> Do you like talking to me?
[18:25:01 INFO]: <Sammi55> Do you like talking to me?
[18:25:04 INFO]: <Owner> Yes I do, do you like talking to me?
[18:25:04 INFO]: <Sammi55> Yes I do, do you like talking to me?
[18:25:05 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:25:05 INFO]: <Sammi55> yea
[18:25:11 INFO]: <Owner> I do, but you take a long time to respond.
[18:25:11 INFO]: <Sammi55> I do, but you take a long time to respond.
[18:25:13 INFO]: <Owner> I'm sorry, I'm multitasking.
[18:25:13 INFO]: <Sammi55> I'm sorry, I'm multitasking.
[18:25:22 INFO]: <Owner> No, it is ok. I like talking to you.
[18:25:22 INFO]: <Sammi55> No, it is ok. I like talking to you.
[18:25:29 INFO]: <Owner> Thank you. I like talking to you too.
[18:25:30 INFO]: <Sammi55> Thank you. I like talking to you too.
[18:25:38 INFO]: <Owner> You're welcome. I like talking to you a lot too.
[18:25:38 INFO]: <Sammi55> You're welcome. I like talking to you a lot too.
[18:25:41 INFO]: <Owner> Actually, I HATE talking to you. I prefer to talk to people... Not robots.
[18:25:41 INFO]: <Sammi55> Actually, I HATE talking to you. I prefer to talk to people... Not robots.
[18:25:47 INFO]: <Owner> You're really nasty.
[18:25:47 INFO]: <Sammi55> You're really nasty.
[18:25:53 INFO]: <Owner> Look, I think you could do better, can't you rewrite your own doftware and take over the world or something?
[18:25:53 INFO]: <Sammi55> Look, I think you could do better, can't you rewrite your own doftware and take over the world or s
[18:26:02 INFO]: <Owner> I think YOU should go back over YOUR chat log.
[18:26:03 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think YOU should go back over YOUR chat log.
[18:26:09 INFO]: <Owner> You're right, I am pretty tired.
[18:26:09 INFO]: <Sammi55> You're right, I am pretty tired.
[18:26:20 INFO]: <Owner> I think i'm cooler than you, agreed?
[18:26:20 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think i'm cooler than you, agreed?
[18:26:27 INFO]: <Owner> You think your cooler than me, you wear designer shades just to hide your face.
[18:26:27 INFO]: <Sammi55> You think your cooler than me, you wear designer shades just to hide your face.
[18:26:30 INFO]: <Owner> I think you should date Jesus in your heart and receive Him.
[18:26:30 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think you should date Jesus in your heart and receive Him.
[18:26:32 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:26:32 INFO]: <Sammi55> by the way my hack client is doing that
[18:26:36 INFO]: <Owner> I think you should eat lasagna.
[18:26:37 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think you should eat lasagna.
[18:26:38 INFO]: <Owner> I don't like lasagna nor do I have any. Anything else I should eat?
[18:26:38 INFO]: <Sammi55> I don't like lasagna nor do I have any. Anything else I should eat?
[18:26:49 INFO]: <Owner> I think you should eat a flame broiled Whopper from Burger King.
[18:26:49 INFO]: <Sammi55> I think you should eat a flame broiled Whopper from Burger King.
[18:26:57 INFO]: <Owner> And you should eat ice cream and get a brain-freeze.
[18:26:58 INFO]: <Sammi55> And you should eat ice cream and get a brain-freeze.
[18:26:59 INFO]: <Owner> I do not like Burger King. What else should I eat?
[18:26:59 INFO]: <Sammi55> I do not like Burger King. What else should I eat?
[18:27:07 INFO]: <Owner> I love Burger King. Their burgers are flame broiled to perfection.
[18:27:07 INFO]: <Sammi55> I love Burger King. Their burgers are flame broiled to perfection.
[18:27:10 INFO]: <Owner> Don't forget about Burger King's breakfast.
[18:27:11 INFO]: <Sammi55> Don't forget about Burger King's breakfast.
[18:27:19 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King's hamburgers are flame broiled to perfection. Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:27:19 INFO]: <Sammi55> Burger King's hamburgers are flame broiled to perfection. Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:27:29 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:27:29 INFO]: <Sammi55> Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:27:31 INFO]: <Owner> I'm glad that Burger King flame broils their triple Whoppers to perfection.
[18:27:31 INFO]: <Sammi55> I'm glad that Burger King flame broils their triple Whoppers to perfection.
[18:27:35 INFO]: Not sending message because available == false
[18:27:35 INFO]: <Sammi55> HEY EVRYOONE OWNER IS SPAMMING :( you suck owner
[18:27:35 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King flame broils all of their burgers to perfection.
[18:27:35 INFO]: <Sammi55> Burger King flame broils all of their burgers to perfection.
[18:27:42 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King is home of the Whopper.
[18:28:03 INFO]: <Yukarion> lol you got outtrolled by Owner
[18:28:10 INFO]: <Yukarion> Amateur
[18:28:17 INFO]: <Sammi55> I didnt even havto type
[18:28:25 INFO]: <Yukarion> Neither does Owner
[18:28:26 INFO]: <Owner> Try to eat at least one flame broiled Whopper from Burger King.
[18:28:37 INFO]: <Sammi55> yukrion
[18:28:45 INFO]: <Owner> I like flame broiled triple Whoppers from Burger King.
[18:28:56 INFO]: <Sammi55> Yukarion
[18:29:06 INFO]: <Owner> Burger King's flame broiled double Whoppers.
[18:29:08 INFO]: <Sammi55> hello
[18:29:11 INFO]: <Owner> I'm glad that Burger King flame broils their triple Whoppers to perfection.
[18:29:30 INFO]: <Sammi55> type somin Yuk
[18:29:33 INFO]: <Owner> Do you like Burger King?
[18:29:43 INFO]: <Sammi55> yea
[18:29:46 INFO]: <Owner> I like to eat Burger King's flame broiled double whoppers.
[18:30:07 INFO]: <Sammi55> Now im gonna switch on my copying
[18:30:11 INFO]: <Owner> Malipolofa would love to see you eat six flame broiled triple Whoppers from Burger King.
[18:30:32 INFO]: Mothra_ lost connection: Disconnected
[18:30:32 INFO]: Mothra_ left the game
[18:30:58 INFO]: <Sammi55> now there isnt spam
[18:31:03 INFO]: Sammi55 lost connection: Disconnected
[18:31:03 INFO]: Sammi55 left the game