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Jailed for using "x-ray"

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:35 pm
by MHA354
I do not know why but I was banned for using a texture pack that does not work for 1.16.4
Maybe there is a glitch is the anti- cheat but I wasnt using x-ray. I got lucky and mined in places that had diamonds
and I have a question, Lomisawsome was using x-ray but he didn't get banned. So is it just me or is your system flawed

Re: Jailed for using "x-ray"

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:16 pm
by Zepheron
I must say, I have never seen such a coherent argument in my life - congratulations, you are clearly an honest man and there is no doubt that the very much existent anti-cheat system is flawed to the core. Evidently you just got unlucky, and I am therefore certain that your convincing defence will prove enough to free you from the clutches of the SimPvP Spawn Zone.

Re: Jailed for using "x-ray"

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:26 pm
by KoriJenkins
I do think a mistake was made. I doubt the great Yukarion considered the FACT that x-ray texture packs no longer work on 1.16.4! How silly of him!

You say Lom is using x-ray? Very well, he will be jailed now with no investigation whatsoever. Your word, which is clearly worth a lot, is all that will be needed in this case.

Honestly it's a shame you didn't say this from the beginning. The evidence in your defense is honestly overwhelming. Clearly you've exposed a massive flaw in the system that has gone unnoticed for 10 years, and for that everyone on the server is immensely grateful.

Re: Jailed for using "x-ray"

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:37 pm
by NOTschfv
You're right, the anti-cheat system has been flawed for a while now. If you rejoin and remind admins of this, they will unjail you- sometimes it slips their mind. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Re: Jailed for using "x-ray"

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 3:42 am
by sev2worlds
holy shit this is just like among us

Re: Jailed for using "x-ray"

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 1:04 pm
by Burger
wrong place, please post this here instead