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fly/speed hacker

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:44 am
by astv25
Name: joeycool
Players involved (attacked by joeycool): astv25, tgeeqgy)
Description: I was leading tgeeqgy to my clan base and he got separated from me. I popped out of a lake to look for him, saw a player, and said "hey over here" or something like that. I noticed it was not tgeeqgy. It was joeycool. joeycool flew at high speed toward me and tried to kill me with a diamond pick. I logged out at this point, being unwilling to loose my items to a fly/speed hacker. tgeeqgy told me it was joeycool in steam chat shortly after I logged out. joeycool also flew at tgeeqgy, killing him. tgeeqgy filled out a /modreq , then logged off.
Time of incident: 11:30 PM GMT -6 approximately.
Place of incident: approximately x:-640 z: 400

Notes: No, those are not my base co-ordinates. I'm not an idiot. Spelling/caps may vary on joeycool 's name since I didn't catch it, what with the flying at me with a diamond pick.


Re: fly/speed hacker

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:45 pm
by Yukar9
His name was joeyfool, but I like the long report, makes it easier for me. (love the time of incident)

Anyway he's banned, if you need stuff replaced contact me ingame.

Re: fly/speed hacker

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:48 pm
by astv25
:D Thanks.

Here's one you can have people copy/paste and fill out.

Your Name:
Accused Player:
Players Involved:
Explanation of Incident:

Just in case you wanted one.