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Rule 4

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:26 pm
by RevStoningpot
i think having a nonenforced rule is bad for the server. I think asking about the trees should just be lumped in with the calling players noobs rule. If people ask where trees are and not get banned they will reasonably assume that no rules are enforced. And i do see a lot of people testing the server by asking for trees then being all hey arn't you gonna ban me

Re: Rule 4

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:33 pm
by YoungsMC
I do see how it can encourage new people to hack when they think that rules aren't enforced against them.
Admins should probably do "/say [Player] is a noob that doesn't know how to read."

It would let them know that admins really care about the rules and enforcing them.