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nema tode...lolol

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:15 am
by Bloop the poop
Although some of you may think I have a dumb sense of humor and that I shouldn't quote things from the admin chat, here's something from the list of xrayers we have banned and why. I hope it makes you guys laugh.

nema_tode, banned by dpylz
After quite a few claims of x-ray by nematode - and word from rev and mitte that he had been accused and then vetted by Yukar - I kept my eye on him for a while. He spends most of his time running around staring at the ground and 'finding' bases.

This is only like half the post but I don't want Yukar getting mad at me, but I find this downright hilarious. This is how I've found a few xrayers myself, and i'll tell you it's the most retarded thing in the world when you have some player staring at the ground saying "HEY THERE'S CHESTS HERE!" it makes my day. Another funny thing is when you're watching some guy walk around and you think he's an xrayer and he's constantly jumping around and falls into a hole in the ground and can't see what he's doing, so for him it looks like he's stuck with his xray on. For US it looks like someone's sticking their head in a

Re: nema tode...lolol

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:38 am
by Gnatogryz
Bloop the poop wrote:I kept my eye on him for a while. He spends most of his time running around staring at the ground and 'finding' bases.
You, sir, are the greatest anti-xray plugin any server can have :)

Re: nema tode...lolol

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:39 pm
by TLRedemption
Good riddance, i hope he makes an appeal so i can laugh at him.

Re: nema tode...lolol

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:59 pm
by Bloop the poop

You, sir, are the greatest anti-xray plugin any server can have :)[/quote]
Haha, not me; it's dpylz. He is teh greatest anti-xray plugin. He comes with no lag and is completely free of any cost.

Re: nema tode...lolol

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:54 pm
by yourcreepyuncle
ummm I think he xrayed my chests is it possible to get those items back or...? At the moment it doesn't matter because supposedly according to minecraft employees my account was never created :p

Re: nema tode...lolol

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:11 pm
by RevStoningpot
not that it's worth anything uncle but i could testify that i've seen you in game therefore you must've had a usable account before. Like i said not that it's worth anything as i'm just some random nobody like you.

Re: nema tode...lolol

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:48 pm
by yourcreepyuncle
thanks I appreciate it.