How to use the forum like an inteligent being.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:11 am
There are several things in BB code that makes your post more consice and emphsized. Example: (Replace all parenthesese in example text with brackets [ ])
(b)Bold Text (/b) translates to: Bold Text
(i)Italic Text (/i) translates to: Italic Text
(u)Underlined text(/u) translates to: Underlined text
(b)(i)(u)Bold Italic Underline(/b)(/i)(/u) translates to Bold Italic Underline
A few others:
(quote="LoneSoldier55") I AM A TROLL(/quote) translates to:
List is an interesting function, and will only work if it detects a (*) somewhere in the list.
(*)Item 1
(*)Item 2
(*)Item 3
(*)Item 4
Translates to:
(img)Link that directly shows only the image on the page(/img)
Translates to:
(url)A link(/url) Translates to:
Then there's font size and color. These are tricky bastards to manipulate, and the size isn't in points either. Normal users are allowed up to a 150 font size.
(size=150)Troll Format(/size)
Translates to:
Troll Format
Colors are a difficult thing to manupulate, as you have to have the hexedecimal value of the color. The color is in the format of #RRGGBB, where Red, Green, And blue are specified by two values, 0-9, A-F. The color is then mixed together to produce the color the text will be. F corrisponds to a full value, while 0 corrisponds to none. #010000 is a very small amount of red, while #100000 is larger amount of red. Think of the first value as the 10's place of the value, where A-F can be classified as 11-16. You'll notice that if you do 16^2, it equals 256-1 = 255. Normally, colors can be from 0-255 in value so that's why hexideciaml makes some senses a little.
Turns into:
That is all.
(b)Bold Text (/b) translates to: Bold Text
(i)Italic Text (/i) translates to: Italic Text
(u)Underlined text(/u) translates to: Underlined text
(b)(i)(u)Bold Italic Underline(/b)(/i)(/u) translates to Bold Italic Underline
A few others:
(quote="LoneSoldier55") I AM A TROLL(/quote) translates to:
(code) Super secret awesome code (/code) translates to:Lonesoldier55 wrote: I AM A TROLL
Code: Select all
Super secret awesome code
(*)Item 1
(*)Item 2
(*)Item 3
(*)Item 4
Translates to:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
(img)Link that directly shows only the image on the page(/img)
Translates to:
(url)A link(/url) Translates to:
Then there's font size and color. These are tricky bastards to manipulate, and the size isn't in points either. Normal users are allowed up to a 150 font size.
(size=150)Troll Format(/size)
Translates to:
Troll Format
Colors are a difficult thing to manupulate, as you have to have the hexedecimal value of the color. The color is in the format of #RRGGBB, where Red, Green, And blue are specified by two values, 0-9, A-F. The color is then mixed together to produce the color the text will be. F corrisponds to a full value, while 0 corrisponds to none. #010000 is a very small amount of red, while #100000 is larger amount of red. Think of the first value as the 10's place of the value, where A-F can be classified as 11-16. You'll notice that if you do 16^2, it equals 256-1 = 255. Normally, colors can be from 0-255 in value so that's why hexideciaml makes some senses a little.
Turns into:
That is all.