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Saturday, August 18, 2012
4:52 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Dude
4:52 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: A nigga be trying to get unbanned after he flymodded on Simpvp
4:52 PM - [TL]Redemption: Let's see.
4:52 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Yukar has essentailly told the trolls to do their best
4:53 PM - [TL]Redemption: Oh boy.
4:53 PM - [TL]Redemption: Hold on.
4:53 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan:
4:53 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: When ready
4:56 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: DO YOU SEE ALL THE FUCKS I GIVE
4:57 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: LOL
4:57 PM - [TL]Redemption: I've already chipped in.
4:57 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: lolol
4:57 PM - [TL]Redemption: I love how this server attracts so many idiots... it's like no one reads our rules...
4:58 PM - [TL]Redemption: If it keeps going, yukar might need to set something up where the rules are listed in the chat periodically.
4:58 PM - [TL]Redemption: That way we can troll the person more if he still broke the rules and appealed.
4:58 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Refresh
4:58 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: l4d2 refrecnce added
4:59 PM - [TL]Redemption: Refresh.
4:59 PM - [TL]Redemption: Retarded cod reference added.,
4:59 PM - [TL]Redemption: From me.
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: refresh
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: another cod refrence
5:00 PM - [TL]Redemption: We should derail this thread as much as possible.
5:00 PM - [TL]Redemption: Yukar doesn't care right?
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Yep
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: Dis nig's gonna stay banned unless we say he can come back
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: LOL
5:00 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: NEVER GON HAPIN.AVI
5:01 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: moar derail
5:01 PM - [Pwnies] Cpt. MacMillan: moar