Bed glitch

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Bed glitch

Post by astv25 »

floof09, chipmonk0155, and I keep getting the "your home bed was missing or obstructed" when we respawn. I was looking RIGHT at chipmonk's bed when he spawned and he ended up at spawn. His bed hadn't moved. the room the bed was in is 5x5x3. Nothing on the bed or directly above it. I'd just like to know what the f*** keeps causing this because it's a ROYAL pain in the a** to get from spawn to our base again. BEYOND annoying. If you can, pls fix. Or give us /home until notch gets his head out of his butt and fixes this.
Seriously, fed the f*** up with beds being retarded.


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Re: Bed glitch

Post by Yukar9 »

First off you are allowed to swear on this server, you don't have to censor yourself.

I thought beds were functioning, granted I haven't used one in a couple weeks, but still. I'll look into solutions, but adding /home is not one of them.
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Re: Bed glitch

Post by pianiseemo »

astv25, this has happened to me before. Try destroying and moving the bed. Also make sure that you do not have torches/signs around the bed, if torches/signs are taking up all available spaces you will be unable to spawn.
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Re: Bed glitch

Post by chipmonk0155 »

That would make sense i think at some point someone had put a sign above my bed. thanks, pianiseemo!