mitte90 wrote:if u want to use the filemanager as root do "gksudo nautilus --no-desktop" if u dont have nautilus u change it to the one u have
ah i get it. I was just tryiing to gksudo the folder i wanted to work in.
And macs are retarded, as they force you to use only their hardware. I don't like that ubuntu forces me to use only their software, but there tends to be work arounds for that problem. I don't think there's any work around for putting mac os on my computer. Monopolistic corporations like mac and microsoft can kiss my ass
it got installed and i switched minecraft's open with to java 7 web start, which seems to be the new java available in open with. But can not run minecraft with it
java version "1.6.0_27"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.12.3) (6b27-1.12.3-0ubuntu1~12.10.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
So it says all that ^ not that i can tell what that is. But when i go to the "open with" menu i have lost my java choices. This is very confusing and i'll try to explain.
When i first installed i pulled up the open with menu and looked at the list of "other applications" The only java i had to choose was Java 6 runtime (the original one i had from software center download) and the java 7 web start. So i used 7 since that was the only new option. Now if i right click minecraft launcher. It shows the webstart one at the top with secondary applicatoins listing java 6 and 7 runtimes. But if i go to the full list of "other applications" all java is missing so i can no longer set which java to use as default. by the way if i run as java 7 runtime i just get black window after login. I thnik the whole system is no retarded with javas. I'd like to get rid of the old ones but as i have found in the past with ubuntu. I can't remove anything all the way. That is, if i uninstall something and reinstall in an attempt to get rid of bad mistakes and return to the default settings, the reinstall comes back with all the fucked up problems intact. As for the browser it shows a jigsaw puzzle piece that says java TM is needed. So i guess ouf of my several javas none are the proper one. But i haven't been able to play in the browser since many updates ago.
So i guess what i need to know now is can i actually get rid of all the java and start fresh or do i need to reinstall the whole OS again? I'm getting pretty damn tired of doing that but it seems to be the only way to fix ubuntu problems.
Also how do i add a program to my "other applications" list I've looked around online and the best answer i've found is. I don't get to make that choice only ubuntu gets to tell me what i can and can't use. Seriously are all linux systems haters of freedom or do other distros give users the abbillity to do what they want with their system?
as i said before mankind invented gui for a reason. i f i have to type anything to get my computer working, i see that as settling for a broken piece of crap rather than fixing the problem.