So I finally find a base worth raiding last night. log in today and what do you know, its all been rolled back.
I travelled about 2000 blocks and hit the jackpot with lot and now its all gone.
oh great
Re: oh great
There's been a server rollback?
Re: oh great
piani said the same, but I definitely didn't notice any rollback (and I was building the whole time)...
Re: oh great
The server crashed last night, so inventories were rolled back (minecraft works in such a manner that your inventory is only saved whenever you disconnect, so if the server crashes your inventory is lost and you go back to the inventory you had last time you logged in). The world will only have been rolled back a couple of minutes, as it gets autosaved frequently. This means if he looted the chests in the base, the world would have autosaved and no longer hold the items he looted, while his inventory would not have been saved, and this leads to the items not existing at all anymore.
Talk to me ingame and I'll help you sort it out.
Talk to me ingame and I'll help you sort it out.
- [rawr]
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:17 pm
Re: oh great
no, I disconnected last night about 4k away from spawn and above ground, when I connected today I was 6k away from spawn, inside a tunnel I built and lacking the loot I raided.
- wannabe troll, flaming us by entering arbitrary words in capslock
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:12 am
Re: oh great
Well fuck you, that was my base. Nothing against you, but I can still be angry can't I?
Re: oh great
Hehe coolham. trouble happen to disconnect after it crashed?
- [rawr]
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:17 pm
Re: oh great
is all your stuff gone coolham?
it was a lot of loot I took, something like 2 stacks of iron blocks, a stack of diamonds, stack of gunpowder, half a stack of tnt, lots of foods (at least a stack worth of pork and beef)
also I'm not on that often so just give the loot back to coolham.
it was a lot of loot I took, something like 2 stacks of iron blocks, a stack of diamonds, stack of gunpowder, half a stack of tnt, lots of foods (at least a stack worth of pork and beef)
also I'm not on that often so just give the loot back to coolham.
- wannabe troll, flaming us by entering arbitrary words in capslock
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:53 pm
Re: oh great
I had a major creeper problem last night. Base was being blown up and ruined, I lost a bunch of items.. it was going to be a major effort to fix. Lucky for me, I woke up to see the server reset to before I had all the problems :)
- [rawr]
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:17 pm
Re: oh great
just had someone else report this in game as well, saying they was moved 4k blocks away.
it wouldn't bother me if I didn't steal a stack of diamonds and 2 stacks of iron blocks, yukar can you just put it all into coolhams base again? I wouldn't feel so bad about stealing all the stuff if it didn't vanish into thin air.
it wouldn't bother me if I didn't steal a stack of diamonds and 2 stacks of iron blocks, yukar can you just put it all into coolhams base again? I wouldn't feel so bad about stealing all the stuff if it didn't vanish into thin air.