New admins & other help

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Re: New admins & other help

Post by TLRedemption »

To me there are a lot of good people here suited for the position, egg or lone would be my picks, since they are both in a good timezone to manage when other admins aren't on, I would even take it up, but with college approaching I can't really be up late at night managing the server.
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Re: New admins & other help

Post by Yukar9 »

Egg, Lone, hugo and Silas seem to have been the best-received.

If Egg and Silas has the time for it, I'm all for making it admin. Lone isn't unanimously supported, I think we should wait a bit for him.

As hugo himself has said, I think having him to technical work would be more fitting.
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Re: New admins & other help

Post by Yukar9 »

Also, I'm relaying a message PM'd by lyser to me. He says he wishes to create banners and such for this server.

Personally I think it's fine he does that, he can post his banners in offtopic.

Who has the best support for actually managing the server listings?
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Re: New admins & other help

Post by ZeroVisibility »

I've been on this server for 1 and a half years now (Playing on several alternate accounts that i'd like to keep private, except to the admins). I've been helping Yukar and the server out throughout that time on several occasions, including trying to help out creating the new server we had planned, suggesting several things, and overall just giving my input in the community. I've played since beta 1.7.3 on and off, but mostly on and I've seen how this server works and how the admins work. I know how to be an admin, and will not under any circumstances abuse my power whatsoever.

I've got several (8) real life friends playing this server on and off with me. That is a real advantage because when an admin is needed, I am in the loop with them as well as my own eyes. I'd really like to help out this server as much as I can, because I love it. I love the people on it, and I love the concept, rules, and staff. If there is someone else that is better for the position than I, possibly one of my friends, another player, by all means give them the position. There is no fun in being an admin from my experience (had a server with 30+ players playing most of the time for several months back in beta, and I have been admin on many other servers), It is Hard Work and I respect any admin that does his or her job correctly, and of course takes it seriously.

I've think I am very experienced being an admin and being an owner and I know what I'm doing, I take things seriously and do things responsibly and have showed so in many situations. My recent inactivity (ish) has been due to the 7 weeks of trips I've been on this summer, I hope that doesn't reflect my overall activity.

Also, I am very talented in graphic design (Some of my work: [This one has a quote error, I know.]) and I'd love to help out with the site if anything is needed with design.

Managing server listings is very simple and easy, I could help with that aswell.

Feel free to ask about any other skills I might have, because there is a lot that went unmentioned.

Thanks for reading and considering me for the position.

PS: I believe EggTheif should be considered for the position, because of his kindness, maturity, playtime, and he is very active.
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Re: New admins & other help

Post by SilasOfBorg »

Appreciate the kind words, but I barely find time to play, never mind admin. Should life ever slack off and I find myself with the time to do the job well, I'll throw my hat in the ring.
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Re: New admins & other help

Post by EggThief »

Cool, I spend enough time screwing around at spawn anyhow, it would probably be better spent catching modders or booting spammers
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Re: New admins & other help

Post by Yukar9 »

ZeroVisibility, that looks nice. For now, how about helping make some posters and managing some of the server listings?
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Re: New admins & other help

Post by ZeroVisibility »

Yukar9 wrote:ZeroVisibility, that looks nice. For now, how about helping make some posters and managing some of the server listings?
Sounds good, I'll need a dimension for any poster you'd like me to make (and a few details about what you'd like would be nice [info and details you'd like]). Is this for the server listing? And what server lists do we already advertize on? Do you already have a login I should use on those or should I make my own?
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Re: New admins & other help

Post by Yukar9 »

I'll dig some of the info up and PM it to you, the dimensions vary a bit on the different listings (as far as I remember) so you can see the dimensions yourself.
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Re: New admins & other help

Post by ZeroVisibility »

Yukar9 wrote:I'll dig some of the info up and PM it to you, the dimensions vary a bit on the different listings (as far as I remember) so you can see the dimensions yourself.
Alright thanks!
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