Proposal from an on and off regular

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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by Yukar9 »

I was just clarifying the statement. I don't really hold any opinion one way or the other with regards to removing the pvp world.
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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by Yukar9 »

The spawn is really not that bad. And there are people who've been working hard on fixing it up. Take a look yourself.
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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by Yukar9 »

I don't think you've seen it recently.
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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by morl0ck »

I used to be in favor of resetting it, but recently I've been hanging out in the spawn area. It's actually cool to explore some of the old stuff, especially giant obsidian structures, that have been built. Plus Pippenger and others have planted entire forests for several thousand blocks. There are food farms everywhere, including inside spawn itself. It really isn't as bad as some make it out to be.

The lag is probably being caused by something specific. Maybe somebody built a lag machine somewhere. Regardless, that can be fixed without resetting the entire spawn. It would be a shame to insult the people that have worked hard to fix it up by resetting it.
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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by A. Pippenger »

I was under the impression that /world was added as a solution to people moving far out, and that people had already lived hundreds of thousands of blocks out before it existed. I didn't play then, but that's what I've been told. In that case, removing it probably wouldn't help much. I see /world as a potential solution, not part of the problem.

Miniwimi: I really don't think a spawn reset is what we need. Me and some other players have added dirt and trees recently that make it perfectly livable for any players who aren't idiots. The walls are there intentionally so that the wimpy noobs log off quickly. Simpvp is one of the only servers I know of where half the game screen isn't filled with ten year olds calling each other fags. I'd like to keep it that way. What we really need is features to retain good long term players, not irresponsibly attract a bunch of kids who don't belong here anyway. A reset every three months is way, way too often. I could be ok with a single one if the spawn lag is really such an issue, but that's it, and even then I'd rather not do it or find some more moderate way around it. Spawn is what made me want to play on this server, and I don't want to see it change too much.
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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by kickem »

From what I have read there are some really good points

Another idea which I think might be good for hc would be 3 lives per week, that way its not one mistake and you can't interact. The chatroom idea is also quie good, so you can talk after you have been killed. Maybe also the MOTD can be the winner of last week so they do get remembered

And for simpvp, maybe 15 spawns all equal distance within a 20k boundry, so each time you die you don't know where you could be-and maybe as opposed to 63x63 spawns which are quite big If there are many, a smaller spawn which slightly blends in.

I wasn't there when the world boundry was removed but I think somehow forcing players together will increase PVP-maybe a loop world (so go to x -80000 and then instead of x -80001 you are at x 80000 going back to the center)

These are ideas, don't be a bitch about points I missed or that you don't agree with...

The reason I started-and continued on this server was because of the constant interesting conversation and dangerous pvp in /world and the CreaPat party ambushes and the crazy-mysterious hustory, old bases, pathways, structure, obsidian dicks among other interesting structures that were everywhere
I don't play as much anymore because before the least people on the server was 2 I had seen, except once when mojang was having connection problems and so I was alone and no-one else could join. And you are lucky to have even 2 players which aren't Yukar or Deflow...I am only 80k away but no-one has found me and so no pvp at all... Even world is ALWAYS empty, when I joined /world was almost never empty and now there is never anyone in there

Sorry if my post went on a bit of a tangent
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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by DakkaDok »

I think hardcore is supposed to be one death only. After all, it resets weekly, its really not that long until you get back in.
And i really dont see how spreading spawns out even more would help anyone.
The border has the disadvantage of players already being farther out than that. You would have to either reset the whole server to get them inside or let them live outside, which means that most players wont be effected at all.
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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by Mr_Hole_Digger1 »

If it's the cobble walls at spawn causing lag, they could be removed, but nothing else.
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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by A. Pippenger »

Sorry, but I can't support a world border under any circumstances. Perhaps it would have been ok if the server had always been like that, but there is simply too much good stuff beyond even the 80k to justify a world border at any distance. I'd lose a lot of my own work and the server would lose a lot of it's history. Perhaps it was a mistake for the server not to always have some kind of way to keep people near spawn, but it's definitely too late now. I would like more interaction, but the only good ways to do that are getting more people on HC, in /world, and in /events.
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Re: Proposal from an on and off regular

Post by KennyKatsu »

kickem wrote:And for simpvp, maybe 15 spawns all equal distance within a 20k boundry, so each time you die you don't know where you could be-and maybe as opposed to 63x63 spawns which are quite big If there are many, a smaller spawn which slightly blends in.
Just keep spawn where it is so nobody has to move even further.
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