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Post by Elocphant »

I'm sorry i'm saying this so soon.... but can we change the PVPworld or just make some edits to it? Here is some complaints that i have for the new PVPworld.

This Safe Area spawn is making the PVPworld less focused on PVP, and more focused on easy trading, with no danger or player encounters. Literally, the way you're going to intercept a trade (very possible before with just a little PVP) is swooping in and grabbing all the items being traded. So you have a crowd just following the two people trading in hopes of catching a piece of junk instead of (in former PVP worlds) becoming a major PVP brawlout (complete with a dead businessman), those which were extremely fun. Another problem i have with the safe area is that it removes any risk of PVPing. A huge problem, people just act like total poor sports and run back to spawn whenever low on health and even more annoying.... when they're burning to death, or under the influence of poison in the safe areas, they just do /world and get out where they can quietly die in their bases like a dying cat looking for a safe place to rot and then grab their loot, disallowing the winner, who should have gotten the gear in previous /worlds due to the 50 distance counter required for a person to /world out (unless the person just let the other player just run away which very little people would do). The only way you're going to get somebody's loot is if you lure them far out (a very hard thing to do since most people have been accustomed to just hanging around the safe area incase they need a quick save) and murder them outside or they're completely armorless. Another problem i have is the fact that there's no sense of innovation or player creativity in this new /world due to the spawn area. Most people just dilly-dally around the spawn-area watching other people run in-and-out of the spawn-area, testing their luck and that's the extent. Sure the /world size has been increased, but very FEW people actually venture out other than to make a secret base to stash their loot while their traveling according to LoneSoldier55 (an idea i agree with alot). This causes a huge deprivation of player creations (other than 2 blocks away from spawn, mighty grand cobble creations and lava waterfalls). For example, while i did not particularly enjoy the last /world (one before this new one), players were innovative, creating fast travel bridges, cobbling over lakes to create meeting places, actually able to build 0,0 to create community trading centers! The most innovation and player creation i've seen is an ice-skating rink at the spawn area (whoever made it, it was beautiful while it lasted) and a couple of small but stylish creations on the first days (most which are gone now). After the first days of this new PVPworld, the most that's been built are underground holes and a couple stonebrick/cobble/dirt huts.

In my opinion, this is NOT a good PVPworld at all (with the likings or some other kiddiecraft PVP servers) and entirely flawed in its concept.

If you found these complaints helpful... which you probably didn't, please post your comments below, like, subscribe.... nevermind.
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Re: /world

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

Called it, I knew that this would turn into Runescape '07 Wilderness.

A clusterfuck of people jumping the barriers until someone overextends, hours at time.
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Re: /world

Post by doobz »

i do like the spawn area, as in old /world you would end up in random pits and the like and have to hoof it. however i agree it needs that sense of danger. so keep the admin blocks etc but enable pvp. I don't know if its possible but adding a couple more spawn points like that scattered in /world will allow you to be somewhat safe entering as it would limit camping, but still forces you to still coordinate and make your way to other points for trade.
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Re: /world

Post by Yukar9 »

Having the central spawnpoint enables you to meet strangers randomly. I prefer it over random spawns, because you rarely meet people that way. Yes it is rare that you are able to kill somebody, but it was at least as rare killing somebody in the pvp world before this. I wish we counted kills before the reset, because I'm certain there are more kills now than before.

I don't quite understand the trades problem, if you're worried about people stealing your stuff, move outside the protected spawn so that you can kill potential thieves just like before. Trading inside the protected area has this inherent risk.
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Re: /world

Post by RevStoningpot »

i prefer the old way. and i think increasing encounters could be done by adding an anouncement in chat whenever some one enters /world. then when you see people go in you can go in and hunt them down
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Re: /world

Post by FoSchnizzle »

I agree. The spawn has become a place to trade, and a place no different than any other mediocre pvp server with a protected spawn. I like this way, because part of the /world serves as an easily accessible place similar to the spawn in the overworld, but on the other hand, it's ruined the old fun of the /world. I think that Rev's suggestion might warrant some attention, as well.
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Re: /world

Post by Melvin3000 »

Maybe change the protected area to something like the old floating half slab sphere spawn from a year or two ago? This would make pvp actually end in a winner, instead of someone running back inside the spawn; while also making trading inside the safe zone a lot more risky due to the small space?
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Re: /world

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

There shouldn't be a "trading safezone".

This makes any social engineering or attempts at betrayal during a trade moot, as you have to convince the player to come out of the protected area to try and nab his gear. The only thing it does now is the game of "Who throws an item down first".
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Re: /world

Post by Elocphant »

LoneSoldier55 wrote:There shouldn't be a "trading safezone".

This makes any social engineering or attempts at betrayal during a trade moot, as you have to convince the player to come out of the protected area to try and nab his gear. The only thing it does now is the game of "Who throws an item down first".
Totally agree with this. Its also near impossible to even draw a reluctant player out from the spawn area because "I have to much stuff on me!" and even if you manage to coax the person out of the spawn area, 95% of the time, it results in them running back in the second you switch to your sword. Its impossible to intercept a trade unless you skillessly pick up the items that the people are trading and the only time you're ever able to PVP is if you ask someone to a duel. The spawn area removes any thrill that the server had once retained (ex. ambushes, invisible attackers/stalkers, hunters).
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Re: /world

Post by Mr_Hole_Digger1 »

Hmm yes, it might be time to revert it to how it used to be.
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