Allow enchantments in /world again?

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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

I had hit him with at least 4-5 poison 2 potions and it didn't do shit, he'd just wait for me to try and attack and try to counter it.

They whine about their shit because they can't stand the idea of risk vs reward or that they're just terrible at pvp. You'll always have people whining about shit like that.

Though it is a good argument that it increases the potential risk of pvp, which is good since prot iv has other applications (usually).
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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by ShadyB0B »

As a new player this rule really confused me. I wore enchanted armor all around the pvp world but when I tried to fight I died automatically. I didn't know this would happen and I could've lost what little I have. Why ban enchantments?
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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

ShadyB0B wrote:As a new player this rule really confused me. I wore enchanted armor all around the pvp world but when I tried to fight I died automatically. I didn't know this would happen and I could've lost what little I have. Why ban enchantments?
because the enchantment system is unbalanced as dicks
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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by morl0ck »

If it were supposed to be "balanced" it would be World of War...Minecraft.
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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

>the nether roof travel hasn't been fixed!
>obviously the devs intend it as a feature
this is the kind of shit the minecraft community believes
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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by A. Pippenger »

I literally can't remember the last time I had a fight in /world, and so far, the random spawning hasn't changed that.

Have all the hypothetical arguments and theories you want, it's clear something isn't working. If PvP doesn't return soon, I think we'll need to start trying stuff like this to bring it back. There is honestly nothing we could possibly mess up by bringing back enchants because there is no PvP to mess up in the first place.
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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by morl0ck »

Granted, protection enchants are pretty broken. If I were mojang I'd:

*remove blast protection
*remove fire protection, fire pots make it redundant
*limit the scope of prot, making it only protect against melee strikes and blasts
*add a "magic protection" to the game
*remove stacking of the various prot enchants

These changes would balance it out more and force you to make a tactical choice depending on who/ what you were fighting instead of prot IV making everything else redundant.

But as it is now, invisiblity and str II has taken the place of the "unbeatable choice" of prot IV, along with all the other cons I mentioned. It's just worse now.
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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by MrDisingenuous »

LoneSoldier55 wrote:
ShadyB0B wrote:As a new player this rule really confused me. I wore enchanted armor all around the pvp world but when I tried to fight I died automatically. I didn't know this would happen and I could've lost what little I have. Why ban enchantments?
because the enchantment system is unbalanced as dicks
I felt that way about enchants from the beginning;
At the same time, it is more rewarding when you get good enchants!
If there is a vote to allow enchanted armor/weapons in the Pvp world again I am voting to make it happen.
How else are we supposed to test out our gear?
If people really feel it is unfair why don't they just go back to playing factions?
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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by Mr_Hole_Digger1 »

morl0ck wrote:If it were supposed to be "balanced" it would be World of War...Minecraft.
Agreed, this isn't CoD. I really have no use for my old enchanted gear anymore, battling with plain non-enchanted stuff is lame.

Just today I went into the pvp world and lost a bunch of nice stuff because it was enchanted, I was so irritated. It was my own stupidity however, I forgot about how enchanted gear wasn't allowed, completely ignoring that red message when you enter also. I thought the pvp world was the way it was before; random spawning, 50 blocks tp, enchanted gear allowed, etc. But noooo, you can't use your real gear anymore, only plain stuff.

However, if I'm gonna fight someone, I want to have the best gear possible. Not be limited to the same crap noobs and players that don't know how to make xp farms have.
Pvp in the pvp world is ruined because the people that used to have the advantage no longer have it. Now Melvin has my stuff and hardly had to lift a finger to get it, great.

This is anarchy, we should be able to do as we please with our items, such as fight with it. Enchanting gear isn't cheating, it's how you play the game.
Us people that actually play on the server want enchantments allowed, so I vote we bring it back.
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Re: Allow enchantments in /world again?

Post by Gnatogryz »

Fights are boring
No trophies, no good loot
Removes the gambling factor
Not being able to oneshot annoying invisible people
Not being able to use your ubermega death sword of misery and despair sharpness 9000
No righteous gloating after you took your victim's third suit of prot IV in a row
Remember the good times? Rememmmmmberrrrrr?
You summed it up nicely. No risk, no fun.
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