We need no PVP in spawn area

General minecraft related topics
wannabe troll, flaming us by entering arbitrary words in capslock
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Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:18 am

We need no PVP in spawn area

Post by Blazyd »

This has been getting way to fucking out of hand. I am so mad you have no idea. Every time you fucking spawn 20 people just come and kill you instantly, its ridiculous, and I'm sick and fucking tired of it. My question is, why is PVP turned off in spawn now? I mean seriously, it was just fucking fine before with the old spawn and nobody had a damn problem but now it's just fucking deathmatch everywhere. I came to spawn recently from my base with armor and weapons and people just try to fuck me over instantly and I am tired of it. We seriously need this problem taken care of as soon as fucking possible. Excuse my language but this is just out of hand.

What I am saying is, in spawn you cant damage eachother, out ofspawn you can.
still building aboveground
Posts: 57
Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:53 am

Re: We need no PVP in spawn area

Post by leofanx »

I already started a thread regarding this subject. Please post in http://simplicitypvp.net/forum/1/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=63 and show your support there. Thanks.
Posts: 82
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:48 pm

Re: We need no PVP in spawn area

Post by CaptainKirov »

I'm locking this now because this is a dupe thread. Feel free to continue the discussion in leo's topic. :)