What do you think happens when you die?

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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by Yukar9 »

waronchickens97 wrote:I believe that the ''soul'' is just an old and defunct way of describing the slightly heightened intelligence level that allows the modern homo-sapient to think beyond mere survival. when the brain is shut down, so is this intelligence, resulting in the destruction of any conscious or thinking part of you.
You really from 1997?
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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by waronchickens97 »

Huh? Am I missing some kind of reference here or are you talking about my age?
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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by RevStoningpot »

waronchickens97 wrote:I believe that the ''soul'' is just an old and defunct way of describing the slightly heightened intelligence level that allows the modern homo-sapient to think beyond mere survival. when the brain is shut down, so is this intelligence, resulting in the destruction of any conscious or thinking part of you.
In regards to this: If humans have a soul then all life would have a soul since the only thing that makes us different from other animals is our brain and if the soul were an aspect of the brain (which is a valid argument) it wouldn't work without the brain. Our brain gives us the power to contemplate the soul but it's not that which gives us a soul. If there is such a thing it is the spark that makes this pile of lifeless amino acids to become a living body. Perhaps the soul is no more than the electricity that keeps us going.

To further expand on that: Our consciousness is the result of electricity being channeled like 1s and 0s through the network brain cells. If the electricity is able to flow in the same fashion without the brain cells then what you would have is a bodyless consciousness. So for there to be a live thinking soul there would need to be a system for processing data without wires basically. Perhaps such things as neardeath out of body experiences exist due to the fact that the electricity of the brain is compelled to flow the same way it has been even though it is no longer being controlled by the brain. In this way i feel the out of body conciousness would be short lived as the ball of brain power slowly breaks down.

To be a bit more speculative: If the complex electric functions of the brain have a way to organize without a physical brain then there may be brains in high ewnergy places such as stars i.e. perhaps the sun worshipers are right and the sun is what we would know as a god.
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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by mitte90 »

its a fact that our brains are sending out faint electromagnetic waves.
lets say that our brains are capable of receiving and translate them aswell, like a radio (we are in some degree as there are people that is "allergic" to electromagnetic radiation)

our brain is capable of housing multiple identitys (Dissociative identity disorder).

SO maybe the brain pattern is, in a last burst, sent out and is picked up by others where the patterns are stored in the subconsciousness of the recievers. where it kind of continue to "think" and sometimes gets "out" of the subconsciousness (ghosts).

if the "soul" is transferred to a child however the patterns will more likely merge with the receiver as children dont have a strong sense of it self. (memories from a past life etc)

hope that makes sence:P hard to describe in english:P
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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by RevStoningpot »

so a past life would not be memories of your own soul but those of a dead soul that has infected your brain? sounds possible
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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by waronchickens97 »

My opinion of the soul as a seperate entity of sorts is that it is actually the subconscious. As in, people who experience these out of body experiences are actually just feeling the effects of their concious and sub conscious melding to give the person access to the full capabilities of the body in a sort of last ditch effort to save it. This may also occour in the moments before death. It has been proven that in some incredibly stressful or dangerous circumstances, subjects were able to access the 75% of strength not normally available to humans, and reported "time slowing down". This would be the result of the combining of conscious and subconscious, giving the subjects extremely heightened brainpower.
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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by waronchickens97 »

Also, this combining of sub and super consious seems to be the basis for the Buddhist theory of enlightenment. This would not be becomming one with god, but actually becoming one with yourself, but with a part of yourself that you quite literally didn't know existed, one much greater than what you would normally access, wich would of course resemble this fabled unity with god.
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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

When you die, you cease to exist.

The only reason things like religion or anything exist or anything attaining to an afterlife is because people refuse to aknowledge that when they die, they die. There is no afterlife, you just don't exist. You don't see anything, you don't continue to exist anywhere else, because all that was you has ceased to exist. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD FGTS.
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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by waronchickens97 »

Lone, do you just see a perfectly good topic and think "OH YAY PPL ARE DEBATING SOMETHING I CANZ SHOUT ABOUT WHAT I THINK IS RIGHT AND RUIN IT!!!1!1!1!1"?
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Re: What do you think happens when you die?

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

No, that's just what I think. But that usually comes to mind. So for your enjoyment:
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