RevStoningpot wrote:
Also You provide no evidance of pvp increase just an unfounded comment that it has increased 110% whick isn't even a real thing, one can only ever have 100% of any thing by definition that is the most one could have. You yourself bailed on the server when you got your limit passed. only playing when it's not a school night. You don't even have a good enoughinsight to know how the server has been since the limit is up.
Lost players touble_354, dpylz, Solfuji, TheLea, EliteChowder, lavadude42, kienanners, ccrh, Wurmy, sliderride, astv25, trance104, Cougerhat, Scar, Vaslor, floof09, peanutmartin, theino, n0iseisjh, SilasofBorg, Cain27, Ellidon, and all of Eden worldruler086, BoxyLiz, LittleBoxOfEmo.
These names allcome from the original discusion. Perhaps some are still here and i've missed them online, of coarse i can't know any one's motives, And some of these people only joined so they could do pianiseemo's bidding such as elitechowder and kienanners who only showed up to vote no and were never heard from again. I know the Eden crew got sick of loosing people to the limit TLRedemption is left outside not being used any more by imicus. And me i've only hung on in hopes of freedom one day being restored to the people. By all means make a list of old players that are still around to show how many stayed is more than those that left.
Please continue in the proper place
Evidence of PvP increase. Go on the server's chat and ask the old guys who are currently within the limit if PvP has increased significantly. All will say yes. Furthermore, a list of players i have fought recently off the top of my head (I know there's more, but who remembers the exact usernames?) include scarmaker, LoneSoldier55, assas170, IMMERONE, death_(Something), PeaceonCraft, sniktaw_55, whitetiger, more. Pretty clear evidence PvP has increased, given that before the limit the only guy I remember fighting over 3 months was huenix.
It's interesting that you bring up a list of players who have quit. trouble_354, dpylz, CougarHat, and TheLea, that's 4 people who I personally know, quit not because of the limit, what's funny is that they were
all in support of it. Quit because of personal reasons, for example, CougarHat ragequit because he thought there would be no limit, TheLea recently came back and jumped to go inside the limit and PvP, dpylz because of college, don't know why trouble_354 quit exactly but he was one of the main proponents FOR the limit. You also say that TLRedemption never logs on and now he's on Imicus. Interesting, Imicus actually wants the limit extended. Furthermore, Kienanners and EliteChowder were people who I didn't know but who posted in favor of the limit. So just off the top of my head, I eliminate 7 out of the 25 people who you claim have quit because of the limit, and I don't even recognize most of the usernames on that list, for all I know they could be new players who just came and went, just as likely, some of them are more guys who actually supported the limit. If you claim that 25 people have quit, and 7 have not, then your error (simply from the examination of a SINGLE person) is tremendous. Get a few more people who actually know those people who you claim have quit and for all we know possibly only 5 people have quit because of the limit. People naturally quit all servers at some time or another. Another proof that that list is deceiving is the fact that our server population has increased, not decreased. So clearly the limit is not even close to catastrophic on our member base, and you have zero (or flawed and deceiving evidence) that it has been on our player base.
Finally, you claim that Kienanners and EliteChowder are people who joined because of me to do my bidding. I don't even know either of them. If they were newcomers who joined and quit in favor of the limit because of the MoTD which broadcasts literally in front of your face, I'm sure there were newcomers who joined and voted against the limit for similar reasons. The fact that you accuse me of bringing new members to the server merely to vote is funny, because you not only have zero evidence, but also because
in the first poll where dupes were allowed to vote, the against side was winning heavily, but once dupes were eliminated from the polls because yukarion started checking the usernames behind them, the pro-limit side ended up winning. I'd rather we not accuse each other, but I'm afraid your accusations come right back at you. Lol.
BTW, why do you lock a thread right after you finish a rebuttal? Should've locked it right after mitte90 posted, against the limit, instead of waiting to put up a completely (and quite possibly intentionally) deceiving list of people who have quit and claiming that I have no evidence of PvP increase, then shutting down the thread before I can even respond.