PlanetKhamulio wrote:It was a figure of speech, dumbass. also I'm 18, you're 8 or 9 mentally. also i don't like club penguin. now give me some VALID CRITISISM for fuck's sake.
you are 8
I'm 18. what do you think "valid critisism" means.
If you really want to prove you are "18" so some ID, with your face. And then show a different picture of you or several to prove that is really you and not some faggot off of google images. Get off of here kiddie.
Lone has the most advanced FRS (Faggot Recognition System) available to non-military personnel. I hear it can sift through literally millions of vlogs, facebook posts and twitter pics per second.
It was fucking easy. All you generally have to do to weed someone out is save the image, then google search by image of that image. If you get several of the same images back from varying sites, or the search results bring up a youtube channel as such, You're pretty much shit out of luck.