Card Game

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Re: Card Game

Post by mitte90 »

i dont need ultra high stats im not that good. but 1-3 seems a little lowXD pride talkingXD
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Re: Card Game

Post by YoungsMC »

mitte90 wrote:i dont need ultra high stats im not that good. but 1-3 seems a little lowXD pride talkingXD
It has nothing to do with how good you are, I just needed a weak card for a low price and you were the first name I saw. I made your stats better and the picture will be updated when I edit it again this night. Again though, if you don't want to be that I'll switch things. Thanks for bringing to my attention that the card was underpowered though!
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Re: Card Game

Post by Xestia »

Well 500 was a rather arbitrary number, I just think we should start there and see how the matches play out before setting a definite amount.

As long as we just use Price = Attack + Mining + Abilities I don't really see a reason for setting tiers, albeit I think the price should cap out at about 30 diamonds (to begin with, before we see how it all goes)

I don't think we should consider all played cards as admins, that will really limit the amount of cards available. Make it players instead, and then give all the players that are admins ingame the ability Admin.
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Re: Card Game

Post by RevStoningpot »

I've been working on a simple magicy sort of gameplay also some nice looking cards which i'll put a sample up of soon.

Card types
Biome - Like manna it is needed to spawn things, Comes in Black=Cave, White=Snow, Red=Mountain, Orange=Plains, Yellow=Desert, Green=Forest, Blue=Ocean, Purple=Swamp. Special biomes can be used to cover various land needs but are never required for spawning they include Nether=Black, Red, Yellow, or Purple: The End=White, Orange, Green, or Blue; Mushroom=Any Biome. Biomes remain taped till next turn when: first played, used to spawn, or mined
Resouce - Single use land cards Black=Coal White=Snowball Red=Iron Orange=Wheat Yellow=Gold Green=Wood Blue=Clay Purple=Lapis
Item - Used as a player upgrade, It offers a bennifit to player stats and remains til the player or item is destroyed. Ex. Stone Iron Diamond; pick sword armor
Structure - Acts as a stand alone card in play that offers one or more benifits to players or server. These are: Dungeon, Abandoned Mine, Village, Fortress, Stronghold
Enchantment - Enchantments are played on players and offer special effects and bonuses. Unlike items these are counted as magic and can be dispelled rather than broken. Ex. Fortune +1 mining, Silk Touch +2 mining, Looting steal diamonds on attack, Sharpness +1 attack, Protection +1 Defence
Instant - 1 time use that can be used at any time to give player/server benifits. Ex. Healing Potion player is tapped rather than killed, Food untaps player, Speed potion defender gets counter attack, Water Bucket dispell enchant, Lava Bucket destroy item, TNT destroy structure
Hacks - These are instant type cards that give a player card a strong beniffit but cuase the player to be banned. A ban removes the player comletely and it can't be revived by any means. Ex. Fly defence +10 Speed Attack +10 Xray Mine +10
Mobs - Very weak player type cards that have no mining. Ex. Creeper +3/+1, Cow +0/+3, Zombie +1/+0, Wolf +2/+2
Player - Players are used to mine or attack and defend the servers. Player types include Admin Class, Vetren Class, and Noob Class (Players can keep submitting their stats as the game would still use Mine Attack Defence, but should also pick land type based on where they live or preffer to live) Stats may need adjusting to reflect class

Game play
You are the server, your goal is to get 100 diamonds. (2D10) To start draw 7 cards if your hand exceeds 7 at any time you must play or discard to get down to 7. Each turn has a server phase, When you place land and play player/items/enchantments/structures/mobs, and a player phase, When you decide to Mine Attack or defend also instants come into play anytime from you player phase till the start of your next turn.

Tap Land to cover the spawning cost in the top right of the card

Tap Player and land during player phase to extract diamonds equal to mine stat from a players color land

Any player left untapped at the end of your turn stands to defend the server. You select which player if any will defend against any attackers

If a players attack stat is higher than the defending players defence the defender is dead and the extra damage is delt to the servers diamond hoard player is then tapped. If the defence is equal or greatter than attack then both players remain and are tapped

I think that about covers it
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Re: Card Game

Post by RevStoningpot »

Here's what i've got so far if you guys like the design i'll keep with it

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Re: Card Game

Post by RevStoningpot »

so this is all the base biome cards sans text aside from the image these would be the template for all cards bases on which biome they are for.

sorry for ending that sentance in a preposition there.

And there.

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Re: Card Game

Post by YoungsMC »

I like the biomes idea and the design you made is great, I'll try to add it in.
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Re: Card Game

Post by RevStoningpot »

it ultimately is folly to be spending that which you must collect to win. The biomes count as a resource source. I'd have to do a lot of thinking on what stuff should relate to which biome. As you can see int the nether ans end groupings i've already gave biomes a good or bad designation. I like calling the diamond hoard the chest. But all this raiding chests and making more chests is over elaborate and unneccessary. If you attack and ruin other servers diamonds that's like griefing if you use looting and perhaps other such cards could do the same effect, you are essentialy raiding. If you could have multiple chests it means it would be a card which means you couldn't cllect diamonds till you found one. Remember minecraft has already been made there's no sence in over complicating things to just make the same game but with cards. I ffel i've failed at putting in any aspect of crafting/building perhaps tap a player when they get item or have some sort of structure upgrade to act like building. So as casting cost is concerned you are spending diamonds in the effect of tapping your land and there fore rendering it inaccessible for mining that turn. In this way you only lose potential diamonds and not the ones you worked so hard at. Also i don't recall any thing in the other rules about how the mining skill is used. I think 100 diamonds should be enough in any rule system, if it's achived to quickly then the abbility to get them needs to be nerfed. Also with the diamond spending method you have the risk of losing it all and having no way to play any more cards and you give out free diamonds at the start wich is surly not the simplicity way. Oh for that matter lets keep in mind how we can be more simplicity speciffic other than player cards.
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Re: Card Game

Post by YoungsMC »

I think raiding your opponent until they're down to 0 diamonds can be another way to win. That's how it was when I first wrote down the rules.
If a lot of people don't like that I'll change things though. I'm not sure about having a deck and only 7 cards in your hand at a time so it would be great if people could shed input on that things would be great.
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Re: Card Game

Post by RevStoningpot »

You don't understand decks and hands? Isn't that the way any card game is played?
Any how here are some prototype player cards
By the way i changed my resorces to be more color appropriate Red=Redstone Blue=Lapis Purple=Gun Powder (just no good purple stuff)

Image Image Image

The differnt clases of players are Noob=Wood Vetran=Iron Admin=Diamond
Stats should have a max combined value
Mob 3
Noob 6
Vetran 9
Admin 12 No single stat over 9
Spawn Cost
Mob 1-2
Noob 2-3
Vetran 3-5
Admin 5-9

Yes it could be another way to win but servers should start with zero diamonds i.e. both lose. Also you could lose all diamonds but still get more back so it's not an absolute end unless there are no players in the field it would be no good to call it a loose as long as you can still play
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