map limit

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Add a 5k world boundary?

Poll ended at Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:01 pm

Total votes: 52

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Re: map limit

Post by SolFuji »

You want to play the game in a way you like. But to do so, you need others to do it with you the same way. Therefore you want the border. Yes, you write you want it for the benefit of the server, and I'm sure you believe in in. But you totally ignore that there are people, who don't want to play the game like you. And you don't even try to think about what they want. You only care about your pvp but not about others. That is what I read.
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Re: map limit

Post by Xestia »

SolFuji wrote:I'd whish you'd just let people play the game the way they want.
Oh okay, sorry I presumed it was aimed at my previous statement.

But I still think that argument is invalid.

Edit, response to new post: I only care about the pvp because that is what this server is about, that's what this server was made for. I know there are people who don't play like me, and there are loads of servers for them. However there isn't a whole lot of servers for people like me (in fact this is the only one I've been able to find still online). I know that makes me sound bad, as if I want those people to leave, but the cold truth is that this is a server made for this, if you don't want to play like that then don't play here and instead find a server that's made for the play you like. To bring back the analogy with rule 2: The argument could just as easily be used to state

You want to play the game in a way you like. But to do so, you need others to do it with you the same way. Therefore you want it to be against the rules to hack. Yes, you write you want it for the benefit of the server, and I'm sure you believe in in. But you totally ignore that there are people, who don't want to play the game like you. And you don't even try to think about what they want. You only care about your hack-free gameplay but not about those who want to use flymod or have infinite blocks.

You can't have a single server designed to suit every single person. I know this opens the door to use the argument that this server should be designed to suit those who want to just build, but that would require turning this server into a build server, you can't have both in the same server.
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Re: map limit

Post by ccrh »

sigh, then how about no wall, if we cant get a decision made? oh and for the bedrock wall we could actually have no wall and just have a worldedited and then worldguarded region that have entry-deny for everyone then we would need no huge laggosaur bedrock wall. cant jump over that if its 10 meters wide. sure you could pillar up to it but you couldnt get over it even with sprint jumps. so there
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Re: map limit

Post by worldruler086 »

ccrh wrote:sigh, then how about no wall, if we cant get a decision made? oh and for the bedrock wall we could actually have no wall and just have a worldedited and then worldguarded region that have entry-deny for everyone then we would need no huge laggosaur bedrock wall. cant jump over that if its 10 meters wide. sure you could pillar up to it but you couldnt get over it even with sprint jumps. so there
I'm still uneasy on the idea we prevent people from leaving the 5k limit. I just don't like this concept, and it feels too much like an Ford car concept of "you can have any color, as long as it's black".

Look, I'm relatively new to this server, so I may be pushing something that this server isn't, but when I first played, it felt like anarchy. And one of the things you cannot have on anarchy is a limit. Now, if this *isn't* anarchy, then I'll just head somewhere else (well, as soon as I FIND somewhere else...). I don't want to change the server into something the original players prefer. That'd be kind of a dick move on my part. So, like I said before, this isn't so much a question of whether to add a limit or not, but more a question of what kind of server is this? And it gets more complicated, as Yukar isn't presenting a concept of "the server is this", and it seems we have a lot of newer players who wish to impose their views on the server. To be honest, I almost feel getting rid of my vote because I don't feel this is a vote I should participate in. I've only been here a month, and the only reason I'd want to keep a lack of a limit is I've played on anarchy servers, and one thing people will tell you is that 5 kilometers isn't far. Sure, you can hide your base well, but the closer you are to spawn, even underground, the better the chance of being discovered. that's an indisputable fact, and one I think no one would argue against. However, it seems this proposal to a limit is presented for two main reasons (and probably a few others). The first is to hopefully make the server feel more full then it actually is. More players encounter each other, more players pvp, more players have fun, more players join. Pretty simple, yet in practice, it's anything but. The second reason is to bring the server back to its roots, which seem to be a pvp-centric gameplay. In other words, if you don't like recieving as much as taking punishment, this isn't the server for you. I have played on servers like this, but I've always liked it without a limit. (I have played on servers like this, and when they have a limit, that can be the only reason I don't stay) I guess I'll just sit on the sidelines now, but my vote will be, whether it should be taken or not, that a limit would be toxic to the vanilla experience the server is trying to uphold.
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Re: map limit

Post by Xestia »

Firstly I don't think we should do this on the basis of going back to the roots. Servers need to be capable of changing as time goes by.

I don't think this feels like anarchy, the only way I could get people to raid my base was to make it above ground a small 1300 blocks from spawn, and announce it's coordinates on a huge obsidian sign right next to spawn. Yet it still managed to stand for over a month with nobody making it inside, until I finally decided to lava it myself. Making it into that base would have taken 2 pistons, 30 blocks of dirt, and 10 minutes of somebody's time. Yet not a single person did that.

To me anarchy is having to constantly worry about somebody finding your base, stalking you, and so on. It's the kind of play where you're extremely paranoid, and where you either switch bases every 2 days or have 30 traps right after each other. On this server, none of that is at all necessary. I don't watch my back when traveling, I don't put any traps into my base (well not my hidden base,) and it's still managed to survive for over 2 months.

Granted I've never been on an anarchy server either introducing or removing a world boundary, but what I have seen is that anarchy servers with a world boundary have lots of combat and people fighting (this was with a 2k world boundary), sorta like it was the first couple days after the map was reset here. The only thing I can see making this world boundary fail, would be that it's too big. Honestly I've never been on a pvp server with a 5k world boundary, the largest I've seen is 3k.
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Re: map limit

Post by RevStoningpot »

Why should people wast time killing and plundering when no one has any thing worth stealing. I find nining to be far more profitable. If pvp is forced to be too active no one will be mining diamonds and people will keep on stealing the same crap from each other. I once pvped at spawn if full gear untill i got killed then i stuck around watching the player that killed me and so on. My gear was inevitibly destroyed as each player that killed the person wearing it used it till they got killed. If fighting isn't profitable i see no purpose in it. And if the point of the game isn't to become wealthy then i don't know what it is. I can play an FPS if my only goal is to improve my K/D ratio. At least players on an FPS sync up properly when they fight
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Re: map limit

Post by Xestia »

It's a sandbox game, the goal is whatever you make it. Some people will make it their goal to become rich. Some people will make it their goal to have a large influence on the server, and so on.
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Re: map limit

Post by Ellidon »

Xestia wrote: I only care about the pvp because that is what this server is about, that's what this server was made for.
I would like to know your source for this. I can't find "PvP" in any of the site's descriptions, only in the title, and I would think that is because is a company specializing in Information Technology founded back in 1993. This sever is described as a Pseudo-vanilla anarchy server.

1. A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
2. Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

That is Google's definition of anarchy, not alot there mentioning PvP, or any fighting for that matter.

Also, RevStoningpot your rude. And seeing how I agree with the no limit side, I feel that your voice undermines our argument
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Re: map limit

Post by Xestia »

MCServerlist and minecraftservers description wrote:PvP server where everything is allowed (except cheating/hacking), so you have to fend for yourself and hide your base well. We're running on a high power dedicated server based in Germany, europeans are guaranteed a lag-free game, but everybody else will probably lag, although it shouldn't be unplayable. Up since 24/4.
It was named because that is what was decided through a short (1 day) ingame vote. Originally it was named Hardcore vanilla pvp|Griefing allowed|Killing allowed|Stealing allowed (that was exact name when I joined; it's changed that a couple of times between then and when it was named simplicitypvp)

Google's definition of anarchy is irrelevant, this is minecraft and not the real world, in minecraft an anarchy server is a FFA server with no rules.

On a side-note, I like you :)
Honestly I never thought anybody in minecraft would ever ask for a source, it actually gives a lot of hope to see that it's possible to do legit debates in something like minecraft.
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Re: map limit

Post by Ellidon »

:) Thanks