Thoughts on a new map?

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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by SilasOfBorg »


Yukar's post eloquently mirrors most of my thoughts on the matter.
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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by worldruler086 »

Hoo boy. I normally wouldn't comment but it seems people are rather mixed about this. I personally am not sure about the reset. I played on dpy's server (when it was up) and it was nice to have a completely blank map. You really felt that you were the first wave of settlements on a land the white man has never seen before.

However, at the same time, I also like the idea of old forts and settlements that have been there for a year or two. It makes travel interesting because you have landmarks. It makes travel easier because you'll have "pit stops" where you don't have to make a hole in the ground for night. The map has a real history, one that players are still writing, while a fresh map would have to be re-written.

That said, I wouldn't particularly mind (too much) a reset with bases moved over. Though I also have no base to move over, funnily enough. At the same time I wouldn't mind NOT having a reset. I think the best alternative would be to have dpy's server serve as the "reset".

Also, those who have the idea of a border, er, no. We had this discussion before, and those who voted for it are mostly gone, while most of those who voted against it are still here. The big issue is, if we have one, is how big is it? You'll also need to block off the nether, which will be blocked off at 1/16 (1/8?) of the distance it is in the overworld. I remember finding a base at one of the corners. The thing about a border is what I call the "backtrack" effect. Simply put, bases near the border would be found not just by people coming from spawn but people returning from the border. On a borderless map, most people won't backtrack to spawn when they can go further or simply rotate around spawn. Thus, the farther you go out on a bordered map, you might not actually be more safe.
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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by VenusAngelic_ »

i still say a map reset would be fun but then again i wnat bases and stuff to get carried over
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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by morl0ck »

100% FUCK no. I've spent ages on my castle. I wouldn't have started building if I thought the map would be reset.

Why not a compromise? Reset the map from spawn all all the way out to 15-30k or so (transferring items to players with bases there). That would reset alot of the explored map, opening it up for exploration again, but not wipe huge bases that people have been working on for ages and force players (who prefer to stay far out anyway) to start over.

To be honest, building huge amazing structures is the reason I'm here. If I can't do that without worrying about a map restart then there's no point for me to stay. You all shouldn't force your style of play onto everyone else: That's what you did last time, and that's why people quit.

As to banning nether-roof travel, I'm in favor. When I do use the nether roof it feels like a total cheat.
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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by FoSchnizzleTheSecond »

morl0ck wrote:100% FUCK no. I've spent ages on my castle. I wouldn't have started building if I thought the map would be reset.

Why not a compromise? Reset the map from spawn all all the way out to 15-30k or so (transferring items to players with bases there). That would reset alot of the explored map, opening it up for exploration again, but not wipe huge bases that people have been working on for ages and force players (who prefer to stay far out anyway) to start over.

To be honest, building huge amazing structures is the reason I'm here. If I can't do that without worrying about a map restart then there's no point for me to stay. You all shouldn't force your style of play onto everyone else: That's what you did last time, and that's why people quit.

As to banning nether-roof travel, I'm in favor. When I do use the nether roof it feels like a total cheat.
This sounds alright to me, but I'm sure there are arguments against it.
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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

Yukar9 wrote:I personally am opposed to a reset, of any kind, as well.

This is a longterm server. One of our best qualities is that people can build here freely without having to worry about admins shutting down or ruining them over. This is what allowes people to make such incredible builds despite griefing being allowed.

With regards to the new content in 1.7, I find it pointless. I personally value the countless hours of work from the nearly 100 thousand people who have been on this server a lot more than some autogenerated stuff that is identical to what anybody could experience in singleplayer. I don't think it's worthwhile to throw away a human's creations in favor of a computer's. This longevity is exactly what has created this community.

With regards to the fun of everyone starting over, I entirely respect the desire for this. It can be extremely fun. I do not however believe that a reset is the best way to accomplish this. A restart will only do it temporarily, so we would have to continually restart it. I think it would be much better to think of ideas that do not involve resetting the main server. For example, one idea would be dpylz' old hc idea; a second server with deathban that is restarted every week.
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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by KennyKatsu »

Yes ban nether roof travel
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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by Cinnabars »

morl0ck wrote:
Why not a compromise? Reset the map from spawn all all the way out to 15-30k or so (transferring items to players with bases there). That would reset alot of the explored map, opening it up for exploration again, but not wipe huge bases that people have been working on for ages and force players (who prefer to stay far out anyway) to start over.
I am not in favor of a 15-30k reset. If that area is regenerated, the server will lose all of the ruins that make it feel like an anarchy server.

In regards to the map reset as a whole, I'm completely against it. As a lot of people have said, the server would lose its history if this were to happen.
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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

miniwimi wrote:Don't ban nether roof travel, a lot of you say it's a glitch but when you think about it is it really? It's more of bad feature, you take a minecart and hop in etc, and boom you're up. People who lives over 100k from spawn don't want to walk all that way on land. Nether roof travel makes it a lot easier and I don't want it to be bannable.
So don't live 100K from spawn you stupid shit, suck it up. That's one of the implied difficulties of living so far away from anything. You were never intended to get onto the roof, it's a glitch, it's bannable.
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Re: Thoughts on a new map?

Post by FoSchnizzleTheSecond »

If you want to build something nice, you should still be able to do it within the reason of the game's limits. I walked 150k without nether travel, let alone nether roof travel. You really don't need to be that far out to be safe.
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