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Re: Protected spawn

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:26 pm
by TLRedemption
Hell yes, please do this... i really liked the old spawn from 1.7

My Opposition to the New Spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:26 am
by YoungsMC
As I can see from some of the recent forum posts, the new spawn has been created to achieve nostalgia.
While it is great that some of the long-term players are being given such an opportunity, this new spawn has caused a few problems.

Even though I don't share the nostalgia that the long-term players have, I think I can safely say that this spawn area is not worth it for these reasons:

Easily walking into the safe area in the middle of combat
This is the biggest one. Over this week, I've collected many significant kills at spawn. If the new spawn was there at that time, I may not have successfully gotten those kills.
It's just a bit too easy to save yourself now- if you have armor and are attacked inside the glowstone border, you will most likely be able to run to the safe area before you die.

I know that you don't have to fight at spawn- but spawn is the server's PVP hotspot. My partner and I hang around all the time looking around for people to fight and we have gotten a few kills. Spawn has become the best place for natural, unscheduled PVP.

Spawn camping

As said by pianiseemo,
Spawn rats used to be a problem because tons of people would just sit in protected area all day long. That won't happen if we just leave a tiny protected area that you can't go back up to...

When we have the spawn high up, it's hard to predict where the new fistfighters will end up. Now that we can easily get back to the spawn area, spawn camping has been made much easier.

About 30 minutes before I'm typing this up, I made a trip to spawn. Usually, fistfighters who attack those with gear on them can become a significant problem. Twice they've made an impact in my battles. However now, it is much worse now.

As there is no pool of water seperating me and the fistfighters, once I kill one of them in self defense they can be right back at me in a matter of 3-10 seconds. I've just had a group of 4 fistfighters repeatedly attacking me at spawn. If you divide 5 seconds into 4 people, you get a bit more than one second. During this trip, I only had one second before another fistfighter attacked me. It was not very fun.

Although I can understand nostalgia, the new spawn has become a problem for those who like to fight within the glowstone border. Op's, please take this into consideration.

Re: My Opposition to the New Spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:42 am
by worldruler86
first of all, I like how you described your concerns in a very civil and clear way. I honestly don't see much of the spawn, as I've sort of had it hotwired in my brain "spawn=bad", but I see exactly where you are coming from.

Re: My Opposition to the New Spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:14 am
by TLRedemption
*sigh* I know how this will end.

Re: My Opposition to the New Spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:48 pm
by Yukar9

Re: My Opposition to the New Spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:09 pm
by TLRedemption
It better not turn out like that thread... keep the spawn you've put in now.

Re: My Opposition to the New Spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:20 pm
by Xestia
Easily walking into the safe area in the middle of combat
Easily avoidable by fighting more than 5 blocks from spawn. If you do decide to pvp right next to spawn, then it creates a challenge to get to or prevent somebody from reaching spawn.

Spawn camping
Do I need to race pianiseemo again to disprove this?

Honestly I've sorta missed them, creates good pvp and practice when there's no real enemies. Again, this is solved simply by not doing any serious pvp right next to spawn.

Re: My Opposition to the New Spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:58 pm
by Youngs
Redemption, I don't see the problem here- It's almost January.

Xestia, I'd like to make a few notes to you.
To start, I was left wondering about your statements about not doing any serious pvp near spawn.

What left me in serious question was these two direct quotes from you:

"simply solved by not doing any serious pvp right next to spawn" and "if you decide to pvp right next to spawn, then it creates a challenge to get to or prevent somebody from reaching spawn."

For your first quote, I was left wondering if you had anything to say about my statements regarding about how much of a hotspot spawn is for PVP, or if you simply skimmed through this topic. I would also like to say that the abuse of spawn protection can be seen much more than 5 blocks from spawn. Even though I believe this was a hyperbole or exaggeration on your part, I would still like to correct you on how big an impact makes.

Your fights may be quick- but it's not going to be this way for everyone. Therefor, I would like to explain my thoughts with a story.

In my first fight of 1.0.0 it ended in a very long chase, until my opponent ran out of food. The battle was so heated that I ended up chasing him for a good 1k blocks. If I fought him in the 1k radius of spawn and at this time, he would've escaped.

I hate to be the guy that ruins everyone's fun by urging to vanilla, but you should also see it in this way;

Is it really vanilla if there are PVP-free zones that anyone can easily get to?

And with that message, I believe I have provided a respectable reply to your other statement.

Anyway, thanks for the reply and concern.

Re: My Opposition to the New Spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:31 pm
by Xestia
I am aware spawn is a hotspot for pvp action, and it being protected means it's even more so.

Yes that was a hyperbole. But as to your story, I'll respond by quoting myself "it creates a challenge to get to or prevent somebody from reaching spawn."
In my opinion, if a person being pursued is capable of continuously outrunning his pursuer for 1k blocks, then it's fair he makes it to the safety of spawn. It creates a challenge to prevent him from getting there, and it creates a challenge for him to get there. Such different types of combat are fun, and adds variety to the simple spam-potions-and-hit-as-many-times-as-you-can-combat.

As for whether it's really vanilla, I'll ask: Is it really vanilla if the grief-free zone extends more than 16 blocks?

Re: My Opposition to the New Spawn

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:40 pm
by YoungsMC
Xestia, I feel like that was a weak response.

I don't understand the "challenge" part of getting to spawn- but I have two things to say.

1k blocks can be 500, 300, 200, or 100, but even if you chase your opponent for 1k blocks, that doesn't mean you deserve to lose that kill.
We're using a plugin to determine whether or not you deserve to get a kill? That's a bit silly.

Also, to your "Is it really vanilla if the grief-free zone extends more than 16 blocks?" quote, I'd like to say a few things.

Thanks to the kindness of the op team, you are now allowed to lava combat-loggers at spawn. This partially makes up for the reasonable loss of vanilla when we have a grief-free zone.

Unless we come to the compromise of slaying people who escape combat by going into the safe zone (I know this won't happen, and I can't say that I want it to happen either), a pvp-free zone is a ridiculous loss of vanilla.

Once again, thank-you for the second opinions to this though.