World Boundary

Post various suggestions here, if support is shown for your suggestion a vote will be started
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[UNOFFICIAL] Opinion poll on what's preferred

Boundary stays up and nothing else is done at all
Boundary stays up, but we try one or more other options
Boundary is simply removed, nothing else happens
Boundary is removed, and we try other solutions
More events
Remove beds
Add teleportation
Total votes: 44

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Re: World Boundary

Post by RevStoningpot »

pianiseemo claimed that in comparison of other pvp servers they have sporatic death messages. Since the server is still near empty most of the time i havn't seen a bit of change in that. Also from the rapid increase in people complaining about combat logging it seems more people would rather survive than fight. An increase in pvp will only come from having more players And the limit is not a feature people are looking for when they set out to join a new server. Also how do we keep some thing that has one insubstansual argument for it while several valid arguments are against it?
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Re: World Boundary

Post by FoSchnizzle »

We keep it up because there were many debates about it, but it was made clear by Yukar that he did not intend to so much as consider removing it until he had made an official discussion on the topic. Hopefully we can get this sorted out here.
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Re: World Boundary

Post by Gnatogryz »

I can't believe somebody voted on "add teleportation"...
Events like Capture The Sign are a nice way to encourage PvP without adding non-vanilla controversial plugins. It got my vote.
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Re: World Boundary

Post by Yukar9 »

Firstly I'd like to clarify something: The original principle of this server was to create a hardcore (as in difficult, not the new deathban "hardcore") pvp server, it was never suppose to be a vanilla server, and short of the first 2-3 days, it never has been.

Secondly the popoulation has increased, going from having an average of 3,8 people on a day (average over the 24 hours of the day) we now have an average of 9,6 people on a day. But whether this is a result of the boundary or the increased advertisement we'll never know (both happened around same time.)

Sadly I don't have any statistics on killings.

Seeing the support for adding more events I'll open a thread for more suggestions on more events, but we still need to be careful not to do too many events, otherwise events will become everyday and people will lose interest.

In my opinion there's still space for a second suggestion to help boost activity.
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Re: World Boundary

Post by RevStoningpot »

As of now the poll shows a slight favor for dropping the limit and both sides seem to strongly agree with other options, the most desired being events. A weekly event (CTS) is good. and i was thinking to put in more without too many have another day of the week (thursday for example) would be an alternating event that's different each week. Arenas could be made an hour or so before an event so people could travel there rather than get a free tp. Also leaving arenas behind would make for some nice future ruins. Protection would only have to be up as necesary during the event time rather than having permanent arenas or event cities.

On another note i had an idea on a way to slowly remove/extend the limit. Since mojang can't seem to leave the terrain generator alone, we could extend the limit by 1K each update to allow for new land exploration.
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Re: World Boundary

Post by Bloop the poop »

I think piani was the largest contributer to pvp... as far as I know I've seen both piani and captain kirov on... maybe if they were re-opped we could get the hunger games up and going again? :S That was very fun... I'm thinking we should also use the hunger games to advertise our server. Perhaps make it look a bit more nice....
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Re: World Boundary

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

For people who claim that moving the limit will kill PvP and interaction, people will interact whenever they want. It's not a requirement of the server to kill, steal and greif, it's only an encouragement. Interaction will happen as much as players allow it. The reason there is so much now is because in the confined area causes many people to not want to explore knowing they have a very small chance of finding something new, so they resort to the only other entertaining thing left, killing eachother.
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Re: World Boundary

Post by mitte90 »

the limit have not make me pvp more. but instead increased the number of raids on my base when im not online.. (mostly xray)
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Re: World Boundary

Post by TLRedemption »

mitte90 wrote:the limit have not make me pvp more. but instead increased the number of raids on my base when im not online.. (mostly xray)
Pretty much this.
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Re: World Boundary

Post by mitte90 »

the only place it have increased pvp is near spawn with people in dia armor fighting new players.. the big problem is the game it self. its not well balanced and u dont need to team up to survive and raiding are not necessarily . and to fix that we have to alter gameplay. and i dont want that
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