You own youngs so terrible in a 50-0 K/D ratio, but then you realize that Modren Warfare Three sucks dick more than any other game ever invented, and quickscoping is the most retarded tactic ever used for sniping.
Goombas are added into minecraft but they overrun the server, killing yukar and using his magic axe for evil.
I wish everyone would stop going off topic.
waronchickens97 wrote:Goombas are added into minecraft but they overrun the server, killing yukar and using his magic axe for evil.
I wish everyone would stop going off topic.
People keep it to minecraft, but eventually run out of things to wish for minecraft-wise, it goes back to off-topic.
I wish i had a silk touch pickaxe.
You get your touch pickaxe but then you accidentally silk touch a player. Causing him to be reanimated and resulting in a zombie infestation of the server.
I wanna be a pie.
You find out, but it corrupt your life and causes the deaths of many people, including a potato and his would be killer.
I wish there were some decent wishes to corrupt.