- LoneSoldier55
- Moron
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- Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:40 pm
- Location: Equestria, Visiting Billy Mays
niggers tounge lyser's anus in exchange for nothing
- SilasOfBorg
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Reminds me of a Robin Williams bit about Saddam Hussein:lysergidi wrote: THATS ENOUGHT!
I start to serious counter-measures against you now.
"This is our line in the sand! You cross it, you die!"
"Ok, this line!"
"Ok, this one!"
"This one!"
"Fine! I'm taking my ball and going home."
- LoneSoldier55
- Moron
- Posts: 4391
- Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:40 pm
- Location: Equestria, Visiting Billy Mays
Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted.
- Noob
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- Location: Iceland, not the supermarket chain.
STOP YACKING AND GET OFF THIS NET!LoneSoldier55 wrote:Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted. Enemy boat spotted.
- LoneSoldier55
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- Posts: 4391
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- Location: Equestria, Visiting Billy Mays
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- LoneSoldier55
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- Location: Equestria, Visiting Billy Mays
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- Noob
- Posts: 1188
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:52 am
- Location: Iceland, not the supermarket chain.
optimizing shaders... YOU HAVE BEEN KICKED BY PUNKBUSTER.LoneSoldier55 wrote:Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Forces Spotted. Enemy Infantry Spotted. 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- LoneSoldier55
- Moron
- Posts: 4391
- Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:40 pm
- Location: Equestria, Visiting Billy Mays
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Last edited by LoneSoldier55 on Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- in diamond armor
- Posts: 368
- Joined: Fri May 24, 2013 9:27 pm
Oh my... should spamming be allowed? this is ridiculous.
- SilasOfBorg
- Donator
- Posts: 578
- Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:40 pm
What spamming? Maybe Lone just has Tourette's, you horrible unfeeling person!!Mr_Hole_Digger1 wrote:Oh my... should spamming be allowed? this is ridiculous.
I'm still sad that severate broke the Quote Wall of Doom.