Limit Compromise

Post various suggestions here, if support is shown for your suggestion a vote will be started


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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by worldruler086 »

You have a point there. That said, I think it'd be a good thing to debate over the plans before we decide what would be the case.
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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by YoungsMC »

Rev, a very good reason compromises are made is to protect the minority. Let's say "Remove the boundary but try other things" wins. That means, under your suggestion, this compromise would be ignored and by that, so would the minority.
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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by FoSchnizzle »

Minorities do not exist in a situation such as this, as no one group holds more than 50% of votes.
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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by YoungsMC »

FoSchnizzle wrote:Minorities do not exist in a situation such as this, as no one group holds more than 50% of votes.
Re-read what I said :) Rev and I are talking about the World Boundary thread. I was also speaking hypothetically.
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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by FoSchnizzle »

Regardless of what you said, the minority is everyone. Good luck.
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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by Bloop the poop »

We are all a minority... this is not Mcpvp.
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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by RevStoningpot »

YoungsMC wrote:Rev, a very good reason compromises are made is to protect the minority. Let's say "Remove the boundary but try other things" wins. That means, under your suggestion, this compromise would be ignored and by that, so would the minority.
This suggestion would be void if the limit is removed. This suggestion depends on there being a limit to pay a toll at. If there is no limit this suggestion would just be to give ice as a prize for cts.
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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by FoSchnizzle »

I say, what would your parents think of you all. Shame on you, the Lord has damned every last one of your souls to hell. 'Xcept the gingers. Limbo for them.
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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by pianiseemo »

Before the limit was implemented, every single player had the option of going outside of the limit or inside the limit. When the limit was implemented, if you were outside the limit, you were not forced back in. You had only the OPTION of going in, and your base would be copied in, it was an OPTION, but a few people decided to stay out.

So every single guy on the forum who was here before the limit was implemented , you had the choice of going inside the limit or staying outside. Fact. If you hate the limit so much, why didn't you stay outside?

The only guys who didn't have such a luxury of choice were the guys who came her more recently.
But the guys complaining on this forum are old players.

I have a compromise suggestion.
We lift the limit for 2 days sometime soon. We make it clear to people that they can either stay outside of the limit, or stay inside of the limit. The people who want out get out, the people who want in stay in. Maybe this time, people will be a little bit more careful about their decisions and not complain afterwards. Then we re-implement the limit.

I know what you will all say. "Hey if we just get rid of the limit won't the same thing happen the guys who want out will still be out and the guys who want in will still be in."

False. Almost everyone HATES GETTING KILLED, HATES GETTING RAIDED, but LIKES KILLING AND LIKES RAIDING. So us PvPers all will make our bases outside of the limit (why not? don't get raided) and then wonder why there's no bases to raid (everyone else is doing the same). If given the choice between base security and option of raiding bases, the guys who like PvP and raiding would choose option of raiding bases, even at expense of base security. Except there's no bases to raid, and nothing stops us from making our bases super far out. That's why the limit is necessary for the people who want it. The people who don't want it can just live outside. Do you understand what I mean?

Likewise, everyone likes choice. So we want to have the choice of peace or choice of PvP. So everyone likes a base far from spawn. That means when we go outside of our base and can freely explore with reduced risk of random encounter, and then if we want to PvP we can go closer to spawn. Except when we go to spawn there won't be PvP for us. Why? Because first of all nobody is living within spawn (the old guys will all move out, it's the logical thing to do), so all the substantial players you meet are just traveling. People tend to spend less time traveling than in and around their bases, so if bases are near spawn, there's way way more PvP encounters. Furthermore, nobody likes traveling far distances. It's a hassle. So even though you think we'd still go to spawn as often as if we were at 1k, we don't. Not even close. We go there less often because it's further away. Then when we do go to spawn there's less people to meet because it's a hassle for everyone to travel the same long distances and there's no random encounters with dudes with bases near spawn. Then we have even less incentive to go to spawn because every time we go there's less and less people. Then the others think the same and go less. Then even less people at spawn. Do you see how this cycle goes on and hurts us? This is why before the limit there was almost no PvP.

I am giving you a perfectly reasonable compromise. Let every current member of the server choose to get out of the limit over the course of a few days, and let the rest of us choose to stay in of it. If you are out of the limit, you can choose to go in, but once you are in the limit, you cannot go out.

So clearly the guys outside of the limit who love to have the infinite map and build are happy.

And clearly the guys inside of the limit who like to have PvP and know without a limit we won't have PvP because of facts will be happy.

And then you'll ask, what if I like being both outside of the limit and inside of it? Why limit me?

Here's why. Because you can't live both dreams. If you make your base 100k from spawn and want to keep going into to spawn to raid us guys in the limit, you have an unfair advantage over the guys who make bases 1k from spawn. So logically the 1k guys will move out from spawn once they get raided enough. Once everyone does that, raiding and PvP will naturally decline, to bad levels. That's backed up by the logic and the evidence.

Worldruler086 suggested that we have two separate servers, one with a limit and one without. We can't do that because of monetary reasons. But this two worlds idea is as close to it as we can get. And now certain people will find some tiny twist in this idea and pounce on it because clearly semantics are oh-so-important, or even better, not even read this post and start flamin' and hatin'.

Perhaps we will get more statements from people like [insert name] like "This is stupid as fuck" or "stfu" or "asshole," narrow-minded people who have drawn a tiny box in their heads about what is acceptable and what is not and who won't consider anything outside of that box, probably because they fear hearing a decent argument in opposition. Sometimes it is funny how stupid people bigoted people act, and if this topic weren't about a silly limit in a silly game, it'd actually be quite tragic.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -Einstein
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Re: Limit Compromise

Post by FoSchnizzle »

Pianiseemo, I called you an asshole because you weren't making many suggestions, just shooting them down. You were saying shit and using the same reasoning every time. Give a decent argument for once, I don't fear one. And don't even start with the narrow minded bullshit. I'm not even going to go there. In case you haven't noticed I said quite a few times that I DON'T CARE WHAT IS CHOSEN I just want it to be agreed upon and not a flawed idea. Who's been the ones brainstorming new ideas? Not you, until this point.
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