Explain this, please

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Explain this, please

Post by Yukar9 »

12:32:59 [INFO] gorila1216[/IP] logged in with entity id 15388265 at ([world] [Close to spawn])
12:33:35 [INFO] <gorila1216> .s
12:33:38 [INFO] At world [Close to spawn] gorila1216 entered /s/s/s/
12:33:42 [INFO] At world [Close to spawn] gorila1216 entered /list
12:33:43 [INFO] At world [Close to spawn] gorila1216 entered /who
12:33:47 [INFO] gorila1216 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
I'm trying to understand why people still use /list and /who, and then leave when the commands obviously don't work, when TAB has been here for over a year now.
12:23:50 [INFO] Vortex167[/IP] logged in with entity id 15371609 at ([world] 8.5, 64.62000000476837, -5.5)
12:23:50 [INFO] [ExactSpawn] Vortex167 joined for first time. Porting to spawn
12:25:30 [INFO] At world 8 56 -58 Vortex167 entered /flay
12:26:07 [INFO] At world -10 56 -62 Vortex167 entered /help
12:26:19 [INFO] At world -10 56 -65 Vortex167 entered /help
12:26:22 [INFO] [Server] Hi, what do you need help with Vortex167?
12:27:32 [INFO] Vortex167 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
12:27:41 [INFO] Vortex167[/IP] logged in with entity id 15380867 at ([world] [Close to spawn])
...[7 minutes of unrelated stuff]...
12:35:44 [INFO] <Vortex167> is this a grifin servr
12:36:22 [INFO] Vortex167 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
12:36:30 [INFO] [Server] Define a "grifin servr"
I'm trying to understand the thought process of people who join, ask for help, ignore [Server] who offered help, and then leave.
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Re: Explain this, please

Post by RevStoningpot »

It seems every time you tell some one to use tab the say they can't cuz they use a mac. I'm pretty sure macs have tab buttons but i see no reason they can't just set it to an other button if tab isn't working. As for people wanting help, I just let them say "help" and leave. I think they just want a list of commands. What do we have now any how? the list seems much shorter now. /kill /rules /me /tell is that it? are any commands for non-ops in the vanilla server?
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Re: Explain this, please

Post by Yukar9 »

We actually also have /coords

And coming soon - /mute
in iron armor
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Re: Explain this, please

Post by oldolwa »

i never knew about /coords. And thank goodness for /mute. I would always have to go into optifine's chat options and turn it off for all those persistent spammers.
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Re: Explain this, please

Post by Yukar9 »

Just happened again, I don't pay that much attention to console, but I see it happening at least 2-3 times a day.
15:16:09 [INFO] lem0nx2[/IP] logged in with entity id 15579228 at ([world] -3.5, 64.62000000476837, 1.5)
15:16:09 [INFO] [ExactSpawn] lem0nx2 joined for first time. Porting to spawn
15:18:11 [INFO] At world 43 63 30 lem0nx2 entered /list
15:18:20 [INFO] lem0nx2 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
Seriously, what the fuck?
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Re: Explain this, please

Post by RevStoningpot »

What i don't get is people like "Google said this is a good server to grief" "this place is fucked up" log out. What the fuck do they expect to find when they go searching for a griefing server?
What the hell do we need a coord command for?
in iron armor
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Re: Explain this, please

Post by oldolwa »

i agree, there really isn't a need for a coord command. You have f3 and/or rei's minimap. But hell, i'll use it once in a while i suppose. just because.
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Re: Explain this, please

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

They probably ask if it is a greifing server, and ignore server admins because they want their actions to go unnoticed. The first guy, Gorilla, looked like he was attemtping to use /fly. I would assume that he was trying to hack and when he learned there was an admin online he just disconnected. He might come on later to see if he can hax.
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Re: Explain this, please

Post by Bloop the poop »

^ seen that many times people will ask if there's an admin online and they'll be like 'oh no reason'
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Re: Explain this, please

Post by RevStoningpot »

If i reply to them it's usually "Always" or "[Server] no" I try to give the impression that admins are around but have no interest in chatting with newbs.
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