But then, reading through the 1.6.2 changelogs, I noticed this
and sure enough, now that the server is updated to 1.6.2, sprinting is fast again.* Improved sprinting behavior
So the slow sprinting was a bug all along. My question to Mojang is this: How the fuck do you not catch that bug? Do you have no QA? I mean I can understand missing a bug in which horses sometimes get hurt when they wander into walls, or some other obscure bug. But a bug that affects ALL sprinting? Seriously? How do you miss that? The only explanation I have is that the guys at Mojang run zero QA whatsoever, they must just compile, and if the compiler gives no warnings "Alright Bob, game looks bug free, let's force everyone to update. Let's not bother running the game first, people are impatient for horsies so let's just get it up asap"