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More whining at mojang
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:35 pm
by Yukar9
So, when 1.6.1 was released, as I'm sure you all have noticed, the sprinting became slow (there was a delay before you started sprinting.) I had just assumed it was yet another annoying change to the game, and just shrugged it off, figuring I'd live with it.
But then, reading through the 1.6.2 changelogs, I noticed this
* Improved sprinting behavior
and sure enough, now that the server is updated to 1.6.2, sprinting is fast again.
So the slow sprinting was a bug all along. My question to Mojang is this: How the fuck do you not catch that bug? Do you have no QA? I mean I can understand missing a bug in which horses
sometimes get hurt when they wander into walls, or some other obscure bug. But a bug that affects ALL sprinting? Seriously? How do you miss that? The only explanation I have is that the guys at Mojang run zero QA whatsoever, they must just compile, and if the compiler gives no warnings "Alright Bob, game looks bug free, let's force everyone to update. Let's not bother running the game first, people are impatient for horsies so let's just get it up asap"
Re: More whining at mojang
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:37 pm
by KennyKatsu
Or we could assume that the people who tried the snapshots didn't feel like sending bug reports and when it got released people actually started reporting them.
Re: More whining at mojang
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:39 pm
by Yukar9
KennyKatsu wrote:Or we could assume that the people who tried the snapshots didn't feel like sending bug reports and when it got released people actually started reporting them.
But, don't the people at Mojang test their own game? Them running the game once, and trying to sprint would've made them aware of the bug. This is a bug which noticeably affected a core feature of the game under all circumstances. I just don't see how you could miss it.
Re: More whining at mojang
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:48 pm
by KennyKatsu
Maybe they don't give a crap about their game or are too lazy to work if it doesn't bother the players
Re: More whining at mojang
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:35 pm
by LoneSoldier55
KennyKatsu wrote:Maybe they don't give a crap about their game or are too lazy to work if it doesn't bother the players
If it makes us money at no additional cost we will release it.
Re: More whining at mojang
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:25 pm
by SilasOfBorg
It probably did pass QA. You do realize that QA is the dumping ground for employees who aren't smart enough to get a job outside QA, right?
QA says they test. They often don't. And this is in-house QA, who might have a shred of actual caring for the company or product that they're testing. Outsourced QA is not worth the toilet paper the contracts are written on; you are pretty much guaranteed that NO testing will be done except what has already been fully automated.
Re: More whining at mojang
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:33 am
by RevStoningpot
it feels to me like they are still treating us like beta testers even though beta is done and we are now their customers not their unpaid testers. I would expect the final bug free version to be the official release, but they still continue with releasing a buggy big update followed by more little bug fix updates. It's like keep it to yourself and give us 1.6.5 or whatever is going to be the best polished version. Snapshots seem very pointless to me. I watched a youtube of horses before it came out and it was not the same by far. In the snapshots they seem to add stuff then take it away for the real one. So they seem to release the snapshot, a really bad version, then make changes they think will fix every thing that's bad and go ahead with a release with not testing anything.
Re: More whining at mojang
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:47 am
by Bloop the poop
I think in the heat of this you guys should remember that mojang doesn't make any money everytime minecraft updates, they only make money from people who buy from them. That being said, if each major update was, say a dollar and each minor was 50 cents they might be less buggy.
Personally, I think mojangs business move with scrolls was terrible. It doesn't have that many players, I think under 100,00, definitely under 500k, and it's probably mostly riding off the success of minecraft. IMO, they would've done better upgrading minecraft and releasing new versions/ larger expansion packs instead of updates.
Re: More whining at mojang
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:59 am
by Brntrogdor
I guess the food thing was a "Bug" too then?
Anyone else notice that food got nerfed back to normal?
And if not a bug... then we are Beta testers.
Re: More whining at mojang
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:50 am
by Yukar9
SilasOfBorg wrote:It probably did pass QA. You do realize that QA is the dumping ground for employees who aren't smart enough to get a job outside QA, right?
QA says they test. They often don't. And this is in-house QA, who might have a shred of actual caring for the company or product that they're testing. Outsourced QA is not worth the toilet paper the contracts are written on; you are pretty much guaranteed that NO testing will be done except what has already been fully automated.
Well, admittedly all my knowledge of how game QA works comes from Guild Wars (1). There they explicitly said that the QA employees
had to play the game. Assuming this was in-house, then why didn't they catch it?