TL;DR version
Been here for more than a year, I'll be 17 in september. I live in Belgium and I speak french and have correct english skills.
I'm quite good at making plugins/mods, as with xHTML/CSS/PHP/MySQL/JS. I can also make you neat trailers/banners.
For spammers, you should make an invisible grade who let thrusted players mute spammers or even kick/ban. I did than on my secondary server, very effective ( name them ChatCops or whatever xD )
Being an admin here would be a great honnor, but I'm not active enought so it's kinda useless. And I am already admin on 3 servers. ( 2 belong to me, the last one is Sphax's pureBDCraft official server )
But for everything related to technical stuff, I'm here :D
My experience at making plugins back two years ago, when I made a cuboid plugin because WorldGuard was too heavy ( or at least I thought so ).
Since then, I made those plugins ( and other uninteresting ones ) :
- XolioPlot : flatmap generator+plot gestion
- XolioHacks ( not related to nodus and shit ) : it contains a few specific features for my server, eg players list in a file and neat login/out messages
- ClearDropsPlus just /cd to get rid of those lag-makers dropped items
- XolioChestLog : pretty self-explaining
- XolioZPlugin : manage my secondary server : It reproduce DayZ : random spawn, multiserver hive with external DB, random spawn of loot, zombie spawn in day, and tweaked a lot, custom death messages, and others functions
- XolioAdventure ( indev ) : checks if using custom-launcher, it manages quests, competences, dungeons, and RPGesque stuff using plugin messages ( custom packets who won't crash vanilla client )
And for mods I made that :
- Obsidian stuff mod : smelt that obsidian and get neat purple stuff, not cheated to left diamond it's interest.
- Various fun/decorations blocks ( slime block, colored light blocks, wool steps/stairs, etc )
- Real NPCs ingame ( you can talk to them, they give you quest and stuff )
- Poney-mode : changing ingame colors to troll annoying kiddies ( not related to MLP, sorry lone :p ( Huricaaane already made a MLP mod, and a nice one ) )
- Updated water shader mod to 1.4 then 1.5.1, added an option to enable/disable ingame, and made modifications so it wouldn't crash intel-based GPUs ( dropped it in 1.5.2 to include Optifine and allow SEUS usage )
- Made an option to swich between old and current light-system colors.
- WIP : homemade vehicule mod ( not based on flan's at all ) : currently only one car and one helicopter the mod is able to load .obj UV-mapped models ( this means you can even import models from other games ! ). Currently physics sucks, so I'm working on ...
- WIP : updating phyzzle ( that beta 1.6.6 mod were you could blow shit up and it made physically accurate blocks debris ), so I can use JBullet to handle my vehicules physics ( and get the first really working vehicule mod in MineCraft, and accurate helicopter physics ! )
Wow, I'm realising that my list is freaking long.
"CMB like Benzaie would say :p"
I'm also able to use an Unix system ( I am confortable with debian and derivated distribs ), to SSH into it, to use correctly users/chmod ( not making everything in root :p ), to record videos in HD ( even with shaders ! ), to edit a video and post it on youtube at a reasonnable speed ( 1.8Mb/s upload ), to make cool-looking banners and a lot of other stuff.
Note : All of those plugins/mods are made for my servers, if someone other than simpvp staff want them, please PM me. I won't give them to 13-years old / lame pvp-factions server, don't ask. Be serious or GTFO.