Glitched death?
Glitched death?
My router resets every day at midnight, so i don't have internet connection for about a minute. Yesterday i was talking to pippenger at night while running accross some plains when that happened. When my connection was back i logged back on and found that a zombie had slain me, apparently in the time it took the server to realise that i was no longer online and to kick me. Does this count as a glitched death, will i get ported to the deathpoint 21k from my spawnpoint?
Re: Glitched death?
pro tip if u know ur router reset at midnight logout a couple of minutes before and then when its back up rejoin.. this death was not out of ur control so i think u wont get ported
Re: Glitched death?
I usually do that, but i was distracted cause i was talking to pip. Also, yukar ported me.