Can't believe this is really happening

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Can't believe this is really happening

Post by bloodlucky »

So I was mining in /world with my brand new fortune 3 pickaxe and managed to get a huge haul of diamonds, when "server" brings up that my mining pattern is very mysterious. I assume he was just making a lighthearted comment, but he continued that it was "odd" that my 1x2 tunnels always hit ores, "time and time again." I was a bit confused at first, but I immediately realized what he was implying. I asked who I was speaking to many times but he refused to answer, and only continued. He said that I've been under many of the admins radars for a long time, because my tunnels always seem to home into ores.

First of all this statement alone makes no fucking sense. I hacked my gamma (which is allowed), making the need for torches useless. With this in mind and knowing that y=12 is lava free (other than some unlucky pits which can easily be avoided by listening for lava sounds), you can pretty much mine care free, with no pattern and fear of getting lost. So of course I love this. Corresponding with my very unorganized tendencies, I pretty much mine a continuous 1x2 hole in a snake like fashion, changing direction whenever the fuck I want because it's a god damned free country. So obviously I'm going to hit ores and obviously if I'm snaking around y=12 at free will, I'm going to mine in one direction, have a sudden change of heart, turn right and mine into some iron or even diamond. It's just fucking common sense

Secondly, my teammate assas170 came on and backed me up himself. Being a close teammate of mine for a good time now it's pretty obvious he'd be aware of any suspicious activity going on, which he said many times that there was NONE. This also applies to HonkDeath, who was actually one of the griefers of my old base. Obviously if I am x raying I would have more access to rarer and valuable materials, which would totally explain why I'm still too fucking poor to afford to recreate dia gear when I die, or enchant items once in a fucking lifetime since I always end up dying before I reach lvl 30.

AND FUCKING THIRDLY. Since anon admin was too lazy to check the fucking logs and use his god damn brain, I decided to make a video. At first he wanted a screen recording, but then changes his mind and makes me film with my fucking iphone just because. HERES THE LINK:

The video shows me at a random place in the middle of the underground, I windowed minecraft to show you I have no other programs or clients open (other than my homework in the back which I am procrastinating), I mine a few blocks ahead of me and unexpectedly hit iron ore. Then I mine the iron and underneath is gold. I was actually amazed at how lucky I was to get my fucking point across, but NOOOO. The fucking admin tells me he won't accept the video but I didn't FUCKING RECORD IT "VERTICALLY", WHICH MAKES NO GODDAMN SENSE SINCE THAT WOULD JUST MAKE THE VIDEO HARDER TO SEE. Honk was dumb founded at this himself, and I'm leaving out the clear indications of bias and snarky unneeded sarcastic comments from the inidentified admin directed towards my attempts at explaining to him that IM FUCKING INNOCENT.

If this is a prank, then cut it out. If this is legit, then you're a god damn fucking prick. I don't care how you run your server just leave me the fuck alone when I mine. Monitor me all you want, just stop tryin to ban me just because you grow bored and get trigger fingers on that ban hammer.

While were on that subject, why don't you just ban jon3888?
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Re: Can't believe this is really happening

Post by OdinFire »

First off, Yukarion doesn't have trigger fingers on the ban hammer, he's an admin who only bans when the rules are violated wholly. We will see the outcome of this otherwise.
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Re: Can't believe this is really happening

Post by bloodlucky »

I know I lost my shit, but think about it like this. This game is the only real game I play, its pretty much 100% of my downtime unless I have a huge amount of time to head out of the house. This is the only server that meets my standard for the game, so you take this away and the purpose of the game for me is gone. So you can imagine I'd be a little pissed off if I was under the threat of being banned for something I didn't do, which would thus sacrifice my little escape from the stressful reality.

And Odin, I don't really know when or why you stopped being nice to me, but I found out that this whole time you were trying to get my coords, even when we were chill. So yeah. Also you weren't online for any of this.

I don't know how I can say this any more clearly. I gave visual evidence, I have multiple defenders who can support my side with evidence of their own, and its just common fucking sense. Give your bullshit excuses, like the video not being filmed "vertically", or that the fact that my tunnels are "hitting too many ores," all I can say is I'm innocent. PLEASE. Do anything to prove me right, use your admin utilities, the log, whatever. Please use them. I did nothing wrong
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Re: Can't believe this is really happening

Post by bloodlucky »

more evidence, just for good measure ...

as you can see in the video, i hit a few diamond ores, get 10 diamonds due to fortune 3, then mine in a straight path, take a sharp right when i feel like it, and stumble straight into an iron ore vein. I then change direction, stumble into another vein shortly afterwards, then change direction again and stumble into an unexplored cave with gold and iron. It's not xraying, its obvious that you would get more out of mining in erratic directions instead of one long line.
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Re: Can't believe this is really happening

Post by bloodlucky »

AND ONE MORE FUCKIN VIDEO. JUST for good measure. Anon admin commented that he'd like to see me legitamitely get so many diamonds in under 10 minutes or "multiple diamonds per minute", well here it fuckin is, PAL. Nearly half a stack in 8 minutes. Yes in the video you can see I take random, unpredicted turns in my mining tunnel and do hit a number of gold veins, and even 2 diamond veins. It APPEARS like I'm changing direction TOWARD the ores, but its all RANDOM. And you can clearly see that half the video is just mining at stone. I know I spammed the shit out of this thread, well pardon me for HATING false accusations. If you admins are too fucking lazy to get proof from your records or if you're just that inclined to ban me that you don't even want to retrieve evidence then I'm more than happy to do it myself. Btw I'm not usually like this so yeah... good talk ...
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Re: Can't believe this is really happening

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

Okay let's break this down. First Post:
Whatever video you record isn't any good proof anyways since you can just setup your minecraft beforehand to run without any extraneous programs. Secondly, your teammate would also be a biased source of information as he probably enjoys free diamonds and loot as much as you enjoy playing. If he didn't cover for you, he wouldn't be getting more ez loot.
I'm fairly sure admin logs wouldn't have told the admin anything about what was happening besides what times you broke those blocks at or when you logged in/out.
Second Post:
If this is 100% of your downtime you can always mine in a non-suspicious manner, like a normal person who mathematically uncovers the most amount of surface area of new rock with a mining pattern instead of ''''randomly'''' turning whenever.
Again your visual evidence is completely biased in your favor since you can essentially fabricate whatever evidence you want if you're the one recording and playing the game.
Third Post:
Fabricated evidence by you, irrelevant.
Mining in random directions is statistically less likely to get you as many ores as mining in a straight line (mining in a straight line exposes 8 potential blocks that can contain ores, while if you change direction and mine a corner it only exposes 6). Since ores have no modifier that dictate they must spawn a certain distance from each other, there's no reason that ores will not cluster together or line up along an axis. Xray some ores in single player to get an idea what the generation is capable of.

Fourth Post:
You're not really helping your case by posting more videos you made. For all we know you could have xrayed those off-camera and then 'randomly' mined to them.

The admin in question probably should have laid off and waited until real evidence of xraying came through (now that he's been accused, if he was actually xraying and has at least a scrap of intelligence he'll lay extremely low for at least a few months) before dropping shifty accusations or going on a Salem Witch Hunt.

The solution: mine like a normal person instead of your retarded and inefficient idea that you think is more effective, because statistically it is not.
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Re: Can't believe this is really happening

Post by bloodlucky »

LoneSoldier55 wrote:Okay let's break this down. First Post:
Whatever video you record isn't any good proof anyways since you can just setup your minecraft beforehand to run without any extraneous programs. Secondly, your teammate would also be a biased source of information as he probably enjoys free diamonds and loot as much as you enjoy playing. If he didn't cover for you, he wouldn't be getting more ez loot.
I'm fairly sure admin logs wouldn't have told the admin anything about what was happening besides what times you broke those blocks at or when you logged in/out.
Second Post:
If this is 100% of your downtime you can always mine in a non-suspicious manner, like a normal person who mathematically uncovers the most amount of surface area of new rock with a mining pattern instead of ''''randomly'''' turning whenever.
Again your visual evidence is completely biased in your favor since you can essentially fabricate whatever evidence you want if you're the one recording and playing the game.
Third Post:
Fabricated evidence by you, irrelevant.
Mining in random directions is statistically less likely to get you as many ores as mining in a straight line (mining in a straight line exposes 8 potential blocks that can contain ores, while if you change direction and mine a corner it only exposes 6). Since ores have no modifier that dictate they must spawn a certain distance from each other, there's no reason that ores will not cluster together or line up along an axis. Xray some ores in single player to get an idea what the generation is capable of.

Fourth Post:
You're not really helping your case by posting more videos you made. For all we know you could have xrayed those off-camera and then 'randomly' mined to them.

The admin in question probably should have laid off and waited until real evidence of xraying came through (now that he's been accused, if he was actually xraying and has at least a scrap of intelligence he'll lay extremely low for at least a few months) before dropping shifty accusations or going on a Salem Witch Hunt.

The solution: mine like a normal person instead of your retarded and inefficient idea that you think is more effective, because statistically it is not.

So you're saying I should mine inefficiently instead. You saw the third video right? 8 minutes got me 27 diamond with that efficiency iv pick, and there's no way I could have memorized 8 minutes worth of mining through a fucking x ray. I know you're not taking anyone's side on this, but come on. I gotta mine inefficiently on PURPOSE so I won't get banned? It seems like a really abnormal tradeoff.

And if you think about it, yes, branch mining is more organized, but youre taking way more time out of branch mining via walking, mining at parts you know are just gonna be stone, and digging organized hallways and torching them instead of just mining a 1x2 tunnel at free will in whichever direction you please. Besides, who the fuck wants to branch mine every time they get teleported to a new location in /world? I think the admins should have just laid off in general. I mined a tunnel going straight through one of my old passage ways, and I found more ores that I had completely missed. The admin implied I had somehow targeted every single one, which he completely bullshitted. It just seems like he wants me banned.

And just watch the videos man. They're pretty long. You can't tell me I somehow memorized all of that. All I'm trying to say is its wrong to be banned for mining in a way I want. This server is all about anarchy, and no rules, right? So banning me over an "ugly way of mining" just seems like total bullshit. But like Odin says its not in my power to do any more than I'm doing now, so yeah. All I know is I did absolutely nothing wrong, and the accusing admin had some bias as well, and was acting like a dick to some extent, which he admitted himself.
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Re: Can't believe this is really happening

Post by DakkaDok »

Lone is right in saying that any evidence created entirely by you after your accusation is pretty much worthless. He is also right in saying that Yukar (or any of the other admins for that matter) will not do anything until there is evidence proving you have done something wrong. So in your situation i'd just try to relax and wait for them to make a statement, because if you did something you can't change it now, and if not, you really have nothing to be afraid of.
Also, shouldn't this be in Report & Appeal?
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Re: Can't believe this is really happening

Post by hugobros3 »

>mrw faggotlucky gets banned for hax
I would have liked best to raid your base when you were on, looks like it isn't happening.
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Re: Can't believe this is really happening

Post by bloodlucky »

DakkaDok wrote:Lone is right in saying that any evidence created entirely by you after your accusation is pretty much worthless. He is also right in saying that Yukar (or any of the other admins for that matter) will not do anything until there is evidence proving you have done something wrong. So in your situation i'd just try to relax and wait for them to make a statement, because if you did something you can't change it now, and if not, you really have nothing to be afraid of.
Also, shouldn't this be in Report & Appeal?
Are you absolutely sure that I have nothing to be afraid of? I am very suspicious of what goes on behind the admin's decisions.